Adriana Londoño Ángel – GC Powerlist
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Colombia 2024

Energy and utilities

Adriana Londoño Ángel

Legal director and general counsel | Ocensa - Oleoducto Central


Colombia 2024

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Adriana Londoño Ángel

Legal director and general counsel | Ocensa - Oleoducto Central

Team size: 15 

How do you approach managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crises, and how does your legal strategy align with the broader business strategy to ensure the organization’s resilience? 

I lead and inspire my team to navigate daily challenges by leveraging our deep understanding of Colombia’s energy sector and international best practices, ensuring the company’s resilience as a critical infrastructure provider. I strongly believe that our legal strategy should emphasise in preserving operational continuity while managing risks across our country’s complex social, environmental and institutional landscapes, thus aligning with Ocensa’s broader business strategy by: (i)prioritising regulatory compliance across an 848 km pipeline network. (ii) Cultivating trust-centric relationships with all our stakeholders. (iii) Developing robust contractual frameworks to ensure operational continuity.  (iv) Integrating legal considerations with operational, financial, and reputational risk management. This strategy has proven to me that it is effective in maintaining our 30-year track record of reliable service, even during periods of instability and crisis (political, social, conflict-related, economic, environmental, or otherwise). 

What are the main cases or transactions you have been involved in recently? 

In recent years, several cases and transactions have been addressed, crucial for Ocensa’s operations and strategic goals which I led, including legal structuring of the Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) contract for the replacement of the Single Point Mooring (SPM) system in Coveñas. This project, valued at over $30 million, was part of a 20-year investment plan agreed upon with the National Infrastructure Agency (ANI) when extending our port concession contract. 

Legal and regulatory structuring of energy transition projects, specifically solar parks in Coveñas and Vasconia. This involved negotiating Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) with a specialised multinational corporation for the construction and energy supply from these solar parks, as well as contracts with other Ecopetrol subsidiaries for surplus energy sales.  

Legal strategy in an international arbitration with the EPC contractor for the SPM replacement, successfully negotiating an early termination agreement, avoiding a prolonged arbitration process and achieving a favorable outcome for Ocensa. · 

Spearheading Ocensa’s legal team in the arbitration proceedings against a main shipper of our system. The arbitral tribunal’s decision in April 2024 upheld the oil transport tariff agreed upon in 2018, affirming its compliance with regulations and the petroleum code. This ruling maintained Ocensa’s contractual and regulatory stability, preventing potential tariff reductions and refund claims. These cases are evidence that I work towards our commitment to operational excellence, regulatory compliance, and strategic dispute resolution, aligning with Ocensa’s goals of sustained operational utility, effective regulatory management and energy transition. 

What measures has your company taken to embed sustainability practices into its core business operations, and how does the role of the general counsel contribute to driving and ensuring sustainable practices within the company? 

Oleoducto Central, Ocensa, is the backbone of Colombia’s oil and gas midstream and one of the most extensive linear infrastructures in the country. The pipeline traverses an 836 km land corridor, plus a 12 km undersea section, along socially, environmentally, and institutionally complex territories, crossing two mountain ranges, more than 273 different communities, 26 watersheds, and several of the world’s most unique ecosystems. By incorporating measurable sustainability outcomes for industry, communities, and the environment in its corporate strategy and reporting practices, as well as engaging in every opportunity for dialog and the exchange of knowledge and ideas, Ocensa is committed to fulfilling a strong value proposition to all stakeholders and that is why I put all my efforts in achieving this by leadership skills and teamwork. My legal team plays a crucial role in integrating sustainability into Ocensa’s governance structure. In addition to the expert counsel on sustainability reporting and regulatory compliance that we provide regularly, a key focus has been the development of robust contractual frameworks to implement ESG strategic objectives. This includes crafting and implementing circular economy, water management and social responsibility clauses, and stringent HSE and human rights protection provisions in our supplier contracts, to align best practices along the value chain. My team and I have also been at the forefront of contract design and innovation for renewable energy projects. Notably, we structured and negotiated the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for the construction and operation of our new solar parks, with an installed capacity of more than 12 MWh, as well as contracts for selling energy surpluses to other Ecopetrol subsidiaries. These efforts not only support Ocensa’s sustainability objectives but contribute to the broader energy transition in Colombia’s oil and gas sector as well. 

What emerging technologies do you see as having the most significant impact on the legal profession in the near future, and how do you stay updated on these developments? 

The convergence of new general-purpose technologies, such as generative AI, blockchain, and data analytics, is reshaping the legal landscape, as is the case with many other professions. Among these, there is no doubt for us at Ocensa that generative AI stands out as the most transformative in the immediate future. Its potential in automating routine tasks, enhancing legal research, and assisting in document drafting is evident and profound. However, as with any technology, its implementation carries risks and demands a sober and rigorous approach. At Ocensa, we are piloting AI tools in non-critical areas first, to understand their capabilities and limitations. This hands-on approach helps us identify potential applications and risks. In our team, we’re also cautiously exploring more advanced applications, such as AI-powered contract analysis and risk assessment tools, as well as predictive analytics for case outcome forecasting and litigation management. This effort requires continuous learning for all of us. We stay updated and engaged through participation in legal tech conferences and webinars, top-notch consulting, regular reading of industry publications and academic journals, and, most of all, by collaborating with tech-savvy colleagues, and IT professionals daily. I must stress that, as we navigate the current technological revolution, our focus remains on ethical implementation, data security, and maintaining a human centered approach. We view technology as a tool to enhance our team’s creativity and avoid repetitive work, but never as a replacement for human ethics, expertise and criterion. 

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