Carola Rojas Wulkop – GC Powerlist
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Colombia 2024

Energy and utilities

Carola Rojas Wulkop

Head of arbitration group | Refinería de Cartagena


Colombia 2024

Recommended Individual

Carola Rojas Wulkop

Head of arbitration group | Refinería de Cartagena

How do you approach managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crises, and how does your legal strategy align with the broader business strategy to ensure the organisation’s resilience? 

In order to navigate legal challenges during periods of instability or crises, I adopt a proactive and anticipatory approach. At Refinería de Cartagena, I have designed a structured methodology that allows us to prepare for potential issues well in advance—typically more than thirty days. This foresight enables my team and me to devise comprehensive plans that account for a range of possible scenarios, including those with a lower likelihood of occurrence. By evaluating these scenarios, we ensure that we are prepared for any eventuality, thereby mitigating the risk of unforeseen situations catching us off guard. 

This strategy has proven crucial in maintaining stability and restoring order during crises. It allows each team member to effectively manage stress and prioritise tasks without losing focus on critical and urgent matters. In the oil and gas sector, particularly within the refinery business, the ability to anticipate and plan for various contingencies is essential due to the daily complexity and volume of situations we must oversee. This forward-thinking approach not only strengthens our resilience but also enhances our ability to navigate the sector’s inherent uncertainties. 

What are the main cases or transactions you have been involved in recently? 

This year has been particularly successful for Refinería de Cartagena, especially for the Arbitration Group. A notable achievement has been our victory in an international arbitration proceeding against the contractor responsible for the expansion and modernisation of the refinery. After over five years of defending our position before the arbitral tribunal, we secured a significant win. 

This case was pivotal for two main reasons. First, we demonstrated that the Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) contract, which was based on a cost-reimbursable model, did not conform to a typical contract structure. The tribunal recognised that the contractor was held to a higher standard of responsibility and risk assumption than usually required. Second, we successfully argued that the counterparty acted with gross negligence. As a result, Refinería de Cartagena was awarded compensation exceeding the limits specified in the liability clause of the contract, reflecting the true extent of the damages suffered by the company. 

How do you prioritise diversity and inclusion within your legal department, and what initiatives have you implemented to foster a more inclusive and equitable work environment? 

I firmly believe that meaningful change often starts with small actions. As a female leader, I am acutely aware of the challenges women face in being heard and taken seriously at senior levels. Over the past year, I have focused on supporting projects initiated by my female colleagues and encouraging team members, particularly women, to pursue their goals and assert their voices when needed. 

One initiative driven by a female member of my team is the development of an equity and diversity guideline for Refinería de Cartagena. This guideline aims to establish criteria for treating colleagues fairly and fostering a more inclusive and safe work environment. I view myself as a “horizontal” leader, committed to listening to my team and providing one-on-one support to address their needs. I prioritise their physical and mental well-being, recognising that a healthy work environment is crucial for both individual and collective success. 

In summary, my approach to managing legal aspects during crises, coupled with our recent successes in arbitration and ongoing initiatives to promote diversity and inclusion, underscores a commitment to both strategic resilience and a supportive, equitable workplace. 


Carola Rojas Wulkop - Colombia 2023

Head of arbitration group | Refinería de Cartagena

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