Jakob Aurelius – GC Powerlist
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Denmark 2024

Information technology

Jakob Aurelius

General counsel | Podimo


Denmark 2024


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Jakob Aurelius

General counsel | Podimo

What are the most significant cases or transactions that your legal team has recently been involved in?

Podimo, one of Fast Company’s most innovative companies in EMEA for 2024, produces local-language audio content and operates a subscription-based podcasting and audiobook app with a footprint across eight markets in Europe and Latin America. During the last year, Podimo’s legal team have been involved in, amongst others, the following significant and publicly announced matters: Development and testing of ‘conversational search’—Podimo’s innovative chat-based browsing feature supported by AI has the potential to revolutionise content discovery for listeners, enhancing user experience and engagement on the platform; distribution partnerships with key partners —Podimo has entered into distribution partnerships with major telecom companies such as Odido (formerly T-Mobile) in the Netherlands, O2 in Germany, and Telia in Denmark; strategic partnership with Troop — Podimo’s collaboration with Mexico-based media house Troop represents a significant step towards amplifying investments in local content and establishing a compelling entertainment alternative in the Latin American region. By end of 2023 we closed a combined funding round totaling €44 million from prominent investors such as The Danish Export and Investment Fund (EIFO), HighlandX, and Chr. Augustinus Fabrikker.

What would you say are the unique qualities required to be successful as an in-house lawyer in your industry?

As a general counsel in a fast-evolving sector of the media industry it certainly helps having a curious mindset and a blend of legal expertise, business acumen, and industry-specific knowledge; and the qualities essential for success are: (i) Deep understanding of intellectual property rights, particularly in the context of content creation, distribution, and licensing agreements. (ii)Proficiency in navigating regulations governing the media industry. (iii) Adaptability and creativity to proactively address legal challenges arising from the rapid evolution of technology and emerging platforms. (iv)Strategic thinking to anticipate and mitigate legal risks, whether structuring partnerships, implementing compliance programmes, or negotiating contractual arrangements tailored to the company’s evolving needs.

How have you fostered a closer collaboration between the legal department and your business counterparts?

We nurture the collaboration between us and our business colleagues by:Being open to talk. Encouraging open communication channels empower colleagues to seek legal guidance and raise concerns in a timely manner.

Keeping in touch — regular check-ins with key stakeholders help ensure that legal considerations are integrated into strategic planning and project execution.Making it easy to stay in touch. Leveraging technology and collaborative platforms to streamline communication and knowledge sharing, fosters a culture of collaboration and support.

Seeking collaboration— embedding legal personnel within cross-functional project groups to facilitate seamless integration of legal insights and early identification of potential risks or opportunities.

Do you have a cause, business-related or otherwise, that you are passionate about?

I am passionate about advancing Podimo’s mission of providing a platform for diverse voices and content and to make it easy for individuals to find a platform and content to discover diverse perspectives. This cause and passion stems from a belief in the power of storytelling, listening and reflection to foster empathy, understanding and connection in an increasingly fragmented world.

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