Rikke Alsted Houlberg – GC Powerlist
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Denmark 2024

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Rikke Alsted Houlberg

Group general counsel | Gabriel


Denmark 2024


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Rikke Alsted Houlberg

Group general counsel | Gabriel

What are the most significant cases or transactions that your legal team has recently been involved in?

Since joining Gabriel in September 2018, and as a part of our growth strategy, I have had the pleasure of executing three transactions together with our executive management. In recent years our focus has been on operations and day-to-day business, where the new directive CSRD and AI Act have been high on the agenda. As a highly noted company we are diving into the preparatory work on reporting requirements and updating internal processes.

What would you say are the unique qualities required to be successful as an in-house lawyer in your industry?

The ability to understand the core of the business is essential to guide your colleagues. Also thinking out of the box is important – providing other compliant solutions instead of being the showstopper or bottleneck. You must be creative when supporting the overall company strategy and implementing that strategy into contracts and more.

How have you fostered a closer collaboration between the legal department and your business counterparts?

When supporting the business, I believe that it is important to have a close relationship with my colleagues internally. They need to know that the legal department is there for them, and not the other way around. Legal is a support function that needs to be involved early in any contractual processes to provide the needed support.

Do you have a cause, business-related or otherwise, that you are passionate about?

I am a strong believer and supporter of equal rights for women and men, and especially when it comes to gender balance on board of directors of companies. Although we believe that we have that equality here in Denmark, with equally skilled women and men, it is unfortunately not reflected in the composition of board of directors in private businesses. Although it is the official goal, it is not equally reflected in real life. Therefore, I fully support legal regulation to push the gender balance on board of directors in Denmark-based companies.

Rikke Alsted Houlberg - Denmark 2022

Group General Counsel | Gabriel Holding A/S

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