DSB Group Legal – GC Powerlist
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Denmark Teams 2023

Transport and infrastructure

DSB Group Legal



Denmark Teams 2023


Recommended Team


Team size: 11

Key team members: Heike Milling Thyssen, vice president, head of group legal

Can you give an idea of the most significant cases or transactions that your legal team has recently been involved in?

In 2022, DSB Jura was involved in the successful divestment and sale of the component workshops, which were previously a business unit within DSB’s wholly owned subsidiary, DSB Vedligehold. The transaction included complex legal issues due to DSB being a state-owned company and further implied conclusion of a long-lasting maintenance and service agreement with the acquirer of the business. Looking into 2023, the preparation of DSB’s taking over of the sector responsibilities for the entire S-train system from 2027 will generate substantial work, including the drafting and negotiation of various contracts and preparation of new legislation.

What can law firms do to improve their service to the legal department?

We appreciate legal advice that is short and concise, and which specifies one or more optional ways of how to best handle the specific legal issue. The advice should focus on the actual risks – leaving out any minor, hypothetical risks – and include the potential consequences associated with the identified risks and the likelihood of such risks materialising.

How has the increasing consciousness of climate change and sustainability affected your company and the team’s priorities?

It is a top priority within DSB and an important part of DSB’s strategy to contribute to a green transition towards a sustainable future. To achieve this, DSB has set goals for sustainability, which require a continued focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Together with the procurement department, the legal group contributes to the agenda by ensuring that suppliers contractually are under an obligation to comply with specific sustainability requirements.

How do you suggest in-house departments build strong relationships with business partners?

It is essential to gain a profound understanding of the business and the main objectives for that particular business area. This will enable you to fully understand the needs of the business area and thereby make sure that your advice and the legal solutions proposed enable them to reach their goals. In order to achieve this, the team members should be dedicated to supporting one or more specific business areas, which enables them to gain the insight necessary to understand the business and to build personal relationships with the business partners.

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