KK Wind Solutions – GC Powerlist
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Denmark Teams 2023

Energy and utilities

KK Wind Solutions

| KK Wind Solutions


Denmark Teams 2023


Recommended Team

KK Wind Solutions

Team size: Six

Key team members: Allan Gabriel Zandberg (group general counsel), Christina Bjerskov Vedsted (senior legal counsel), Lars Borup (senior legal counsel)

Can you give an idea of the most significant cases or transactions that your legal team has recently been involved in?

In the past few years, we have completed some acquisitions, setting important milestones for KK Wind Solutions’ continued growth and strategic direction in our business activities. Through these acquisitions, we have more than doubled in size, diversified our portfolios of products and solutions, technologies and competences and significantly expanded our global footprint, among others.

To support our continuous growth, we have in previous years, negotiated, and entered into frame agreements with strategic customers strengthening our position in the wind industry and enabling KK Wind Solutions to involve itself in other industries within the renewable sector.

We have also pushed the agenda for the digitalisation and automation of infrastructure, by taking substantial steps to move our work into digital models such as document management systems; automate processes when drafting documents; and automate filing system for emails.

Looking forward, what technological advancements do you feel will impact the role of in-house legal teams in the future the most?

We are convinced AI will in the future, have a significant impact on in-house legal teams. The possibility of automating many of the tasks currently performed by in-house legal teams, such as contract review, due diligence, and legal research will free up time to focus on more complex and strategic tasks.

Additionally, increased use of AI may assist in-house legal teams in identifying and mitigating legal risks in a more efficient way, which can help to protect the company’s reputation and bottom line.

How do you suggest in-house departments build strong relationships with business partners?

The cornerstones of our team’s relationship with business partners are proactiveness, competency and availability – under which we constantly pursue to provide best-in-class legal advice, combined with the relevant degree of business acumen. We see ourselves as part of the business, rather than “just” advisors.

Allan Gabriel Zandberg is group general counsel for KK Wind Solutions, who employ a compact team of two lawyers to assist the company’s business operations in numerous ways via a...

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