Jennifer Alvarez Durán
Team size: Four
First, can you please give us an idea of the sort of work your team has done recently?
One of the most relevant works is undoubtedly our collaboration in the review of draft laws and regulations that govern the insurance and social security sector in the Dominican Republic, allowing us to contribute, from our field of competence and our experience as regulated entities, in the improvement and strengthening of our legal system, promoting its updating according to our reality and needs, as well as promoting the legal guarantees of all participants, in order to make the processes more transparent and efficient.
Likewise, the use of synergies in both insurance and social security, through the unification of the legal areas of MAPFRE BHD Seguros and MAPFRE Salud ARS, which allow us to maintain a common management line, to achieve greater efficiencies, growth and diversity.
How do you stay up-to-date with changes in laws and regulations in the Dominican Republic relevant to your organisation’s industry?
Staying updated entails the implementation of a strategic network of constant monitoring and surveillance. This network is built on the genuine interest of accessing relevant information that affects our market. One notable aspect of this strategy involves active participation in different opinion forums, in order to stay informed about any projects that affect our organisation. Additionally, fostering professional connections within unions related to our industry’s functions is essential for sharing pertinent regulatory information.
We also carry out active and periodic reviews of the internet pages and social networks of the government entities of interest (National Congress, Supervision Agencies, among others) and the press, which allow us to have truthful and timely information about regulatory changes, but above all, promoting a work environment that favours updating the use of talent and professional curiosity.
This search brings with it the technical analysis of regulatory projects and laws, as well as the exchange of our opinions, where appropriate, before the relevant forums, as a way to contribute assertively to the definition and construction of these. Likewise, we share the fundamental aspects of the laws and regulations, as well as the impact on our operations, to the relevant company personnel, for their knowledge or implementation.
Legal manager | MAPFRE Salud ARS