Legal manager | Banco López de Haro
Pedro Javier Sepúlveda Mínguez
Legal manager | Banco López de Haro
Team Size: Four
Firstly, can you give us an idea of the type of work your team has done recently?
In the legal department, we handle all matters relating to corporate governance. In our department we handle the part of the Bank related to the shareholders, board of directors and board support committees. We take care of shareholders’ meetings, board minutes, minutes of board support committees, suitability of shareholders and directors, as well as contracts that the Bank enters with suppliers, among other things. In recent months we have been developing projects for the institution, which have been a challenge for the department, as we have had to study banking regulations in other countries. In our department, in addition to the Bank, we give support and legal advice to the other companies in the family group, one of which is among the best and most exclusive tourist projects located in the eastern part of our country.
How do you keep up to date with changes in Dominican laws and regulations relevant to your organisation’s industry?
As we are a department that provides advice, we must always be up to date with the relevant laws and regulations in our industry. We are always in constant study of the laws, resolutions, and circulars applicable to the banking sector as well as other sectors such as tourism.
What is one cause, business related or otherwise, that you care about and why?
The world is constantly changing, the industry is changing very rapidly and, keeping up to date with it is a daily challenge.
Legal manager | Banco López de Haro
Legal manager | Banco Lopez de Haro