Gabriella Navarro Delmonte – GC Powerlist
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Dominican Republic 2024


Gabriella Navarro Delmonte

Legal and compliance director | Primma Valores, Puesto de Bolsa


Dominican Republic 2024

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Gabriella Navarro Delmonte

Legal and compliance director | Primma Valores, Puesto de Bolsa

How do you approach managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crises, and how does your legal strategy align with the broader business strategy to ensure the organisation’s resilience? 

In-house legal management presents diverse challenges daily, necessitating adaptability and swift responses. During crises, it is crucial to have a clear understanding of the organisation’s structure, priorities, and needs to identify potential legal issues before they arise. A thorough grasp of the business enables the design of effective legal strategies, informed decision-making, and timely legal counsel. In-house lawyers must remember that our role is to support the organisation’s success and business objectives. Thus, the legal strategy must be aligned with and responsive to business needs. When the entire legal team understands this alignment, prioritising and delivering legal assistance becomes more manageable and effective. 

What are the main cases or transactions you have been involved in recently? 

As a regulated entity, our activities are constantly adjusted to comply with the latest legal and regulatory developments. For instance, in 2023, we developed the internal framework and made the necessary regulatory adjustments to launch a digital onboarding process for clients. Additionally, we assist the business team in structuring and executing public offerings. Notably, at the end of 2023, Primma Valores served as the placement agent for the largest fund issuance ever conducted in the country. 

What emerging technologies do you see as having the most significant impact on the legal profession in the near future, and how do you stay updated on these developments? 

Artificial intelligence is profoundly transforming the legal profession. Internal legal departments stand to gain significantly from this shift if we adopt it judiciously. AI enhances our efficiency in information retrieval and in preparing and reviewing legal documents. To stay current, we regularly engage in training and discussions on these technologies. We also represent the organisation in various associations where these topics are actively debated and where we can learn from the experiences of other companies. 

In your opinion, what are the main trends that are salient in your country currently (these can be legal, political, economic, or business-based)? 

The Dominican Republic is experiencing significant economic growth and increased commercial dynamism, supported by a favourable legal and regulatory environment. Recent years have seen efforts to reduce public administration bureaucracy and to promote technological innovation from the government. There is also growing citizen and business involvement in law and policy discussions. In the securities market, we observe an increase in transaction volumes and asset values under custody. From a regulatory standpoint, there is a heightened focus on innovation, technological transformation, and cybersecurity issues within the sector. 


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