Josefa Rodriguez de Logroño      – GC Powerlist
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Dominican Republic 2024


Josefa Rodriguez de Logroño     

Vicepresident of legal and compliance | Grupo Universal


Dominican Republic 2024

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Josefa Rodriguez de Logroño     

Vicepresident of legal and compliance | Grupo Universal

Team size: 40  

How do you approach managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crises, and how does your legal strategy align with the broader business strategy to ensure the organisation’s resilience? 

Our legal management strategy aligns closely with Grupo Universal’s broader corporate strategy, enabling us to adapt efficiently and resiliently to significant challenges. During crises, we employ both proactive and reactive approaches. Proactively, we focus on identifying and prioritising legal risks that could affect the organisation across our industries. We also ensure continuous updates in compliance, corporate governance, and market regulations, and strengthen contractual clauses to mitigate potential risks. Reactively, we develop customised legal strategies that benefit both our organisation and clients, with a focus on resolving transactions in the pre-litigation stage to avoid escalation. 

We emphasise forming multidisciplinary teams and maintaining ongoing communication with stakeholders. This collaboration ensures that our legal responses are integrated with the organisation’s overall strategy, allowing us to navigate complex legal landscapes and protect our interests effectively.A dynamic legal approach, combined with crisis committees and established corporate governance protocols, is crucial in mitigating reputational risks and enhancing resilience. This framework strengthens our ability to respond to challenges, particularly within the insurance sector, ensuring long-term stability. 

What are the main cases or transactions you have been involved in recently?
Over my 40-year career, I have been involved in numerous significant legal cases, particularly in the insurance sector, where I’ve developed a successful track record. Recently, with the expansion of Grupo Universal and the incorporation of financial subsidiaries, I played a key role in historic milestones for the Dominican Republic’s stock market. Notably, I led the legal team at Fiduciaria Universal that structured the first Public Stock Offering Trust in the Dominican stock market, denominated Rica 03-FU. 

In addition, we have been instrumental in major energy projects through investment funds managed by AFI Universal, including “Los Guzmancito” and “SIBA Energy Corporation”. Our Legal and Compliance divisions have been strengthened by specialised teams focusing on compliance, corporate governance, and legal issues. We actively participate in industry associations to advocate for updated regulations that impact the sectors in which Grupo Universal operates. 

What measures has your company taken to embed sustainability practices into its core business operations, and how does the role of the general counsel contribute to driving and ensuring sustainable practices within the company? 

Grupo Universal operates with a strong commitment to ethical principles, which are ingrained in our corporate guidelines. We have established robust mechanisms to ensure compliance with Dominican laws, fulfil our commitments to customers and shareholders, and practice self-regulation that reflects our high standards of corporate responsibility. 

Sustainability is a key priority for us, aligning our business practices with societal interests to enhance competitiveness and establish ourselves as a benchmark for business excellence. We measure our commitments across seven pillars: governance, employees, fair operational practices, consumers, clients, community, and the environment. 

The Legal and Compliance department plays an essential role in embedding sustainability into our operations by providing legal guidance that supports adherence to ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) principles. We are committed to fostering a corporate culture that prioritises sustainability, ensuring that our operations remain socially responsible, ethically managed, and environmentally sustainable. 

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