Karla Gross – GC Powerlist
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Dominican Republic 2024

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Karla Gross

Regional legal director greater Caribbean region  | Colgate-Palmolive


Dominican Republic 2024


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Karla Gross

Regional legal director greater Caribbean region  | Colgate-Palmolive

How do you approach managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crises, and how does your legal strategy align with the broader business strategy to ensure the organisation’s resilience?  


My approach to managing legal aspects during instability or crises focuses on proactive risk management, strategic alignment with business goals, and creating adaptive legal frameworks to ensure resilience. In my experience, anticipating and addressing legal challenges is essential for safeguarding any organisation and ensuring long-term sustainability. 


I prioritise proactive risk management by continuously monitoring the external environment to identify and mitigate potential legal risks early. This vigilance helps avert issues before they escalate into significant problems.  

A key part of my strategy involves tightly integrating legal considerations with the broader business strategy. This means being involved in strategic planning from the start, ensuring that legal perspectives are integrated into business decisions. Understanding the company’s operations, market dynamics, and industry-wide challenges allows me to tailor legal contributions effectively and ensure cohesive responses during crises.  

Clear crisis management protocols are another cornerstone of my approach. These protocols outline legal responses during crises, including communication strategies, regulatory compliance, and litigation management. I am a firm believer that continuous training for legal and business teams equip everyone with the skills needed to handle challenges effectively. 

In my personal opinion, effective collaboration and communication are vital. That’s why I think forming cross-functional teams in crisis management ensures a comprehensive response, while transparent communication with stakeholders builds trust and manages reputational risks. 

Another important element to consider is adaptability. Circumstances can shift rapidly, requiring leaders to adjust plans on the fly. I believe that people are always the greatest resource, especially during challenging times. Therefore, leading with empathy is essential, as it strengthens and supports the team through periods of uncertainty or crisis. 

In my role as the Greater Caribbean Region Legal Director at Colgate, I personally dedicate myself to these strategies. They empower us to tackle any challenge with assurance and flexibility, protecting the company’s interests and contributing to its sustainability and success. 

What are the main cases or transactions you have been involved in recently?  

One of the most exciting projects I’ve been involved in is the Greater Caribbean Region’s Digital Transformation strategy. This initiative has been instrumental in enhancing efficiency and compliance across all initiatives. My involvement has covered everything from the initial risk assessment stage, where I evaluated the potential legal implications of new digital processes, to meticulously drafting and reviewing contracts that align with our digital goals. I’ve also worked closely with other departments to ensure that our strategy is robust and that we are proactively addressing any data privacy concerns. Also, an impactful achievement has been the successful implementation of a Contracts Management System. It has been crucial  for strategic growth and effective agreement management. While I am often closely involved in negotiating key contracts, I feel particularly proud of my legal inputs into a pivotal Licensing Agreement that has significantly enhanced our data capabilities and allowed for improved analysis and performance metrics in the Caribbean Region.  


What emerging technologies do you see as having the most significant impact on the legal profession in the near future, and how do you stay updated on these developments? 

Emerging technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), and advanced data analytics are set to significantly impact within the legal profession. AI is transforming legal operations by automating routine tasks, enhancing document review processes, and providing predictive analytics for case strategies. Advanced data analytics help make better decisions by examining large amounts of data to find patterns and insights that can predict legal results. 

To stay updated, I firmly believe in relentlessly sharpening my expertise and staying ahead of the curve by embracing a mindset of continuous self-improvement and professional development. I enjoy diving into training sessions, often through the company’s Learning Management System, to understand and implement new tools effectively. Also, on my own time, I soak up what’s new by following legal tech mags, blogs, all sorts of reads and interesting podcasts. Staying plugged into these resources is my way of making sure I’m ready for whatever the legal world throws my way, keeping me agile and adaptable in this fast-evolving field. 


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