Laura Rebeca Luciano Ortiz – GC Powerlist
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Dominican Republic 2024


Laura Rebeca Luciano Ortiz

Legal director | Parval


Dominican Republic 2024

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Laura Rebeca Luciano Ortiz

Legal director | Parval

How do you approach managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crises, and how does your legal strategy align with the broader business strategy to ensure the organisation’s resilience?

At PARVAL Puesto de Bolsa, managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crises involves a proactive and integrated approach. We closely monitor regulatory changes, market conditions, and potential risk factors to ensure compliance and protect the interests of our clients and the firm. During such periods, our legal strategy is aligned with the broader business strategy through constant communication with other departments, ensuring that all decisions are made with a comprehensive understanding of the current legal and regulatory environment. We prioritise agility in our response, adapting our internal policies and procedures to meet evolving requirements. Additionally, we collaborate with external legal advisors to gain diverse perspectives and expert insights.

Our focus is on maintaining robust internal controls and conducting regular risk assessments. By integrating our legal strategy with the overall business objectives, we aim to ensure PARVAL’s resilience. This includes safeguarding our operations against potential disruptions, minimising legal risks, and maintaining the trust and confidence of our clients and stakeholders.

What are the main cases or transactions you have been involved in recently?

Recently, I was actively involved in the structuring of Banco Promerica’s first preferred stock issuance in the Dominican Republic. This landmark transaction marked a significant milestone for both the bank and the local financial market. As part of the team, I contributed to various aspects of the structuring process, including coordinating with legal and financial advisors, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements, and addressing potential risks. This project involved detailed analysis and strategic planning to align with the regulatory framework and meet the expectations of both investors and stakeholders. The successful completion of this issuance not only demonstrated our capability to handle complex financial transactions but also contributed to enhancing the capital market infrastructure in the Dominican Republic. It was a pivotal experience that showcased our commitment to innovation and growth in the financial sector.

What emerging technologies do you see as having the most significant impact on the legal profession in the near future, and how do you stay updated on these developments?

Emerging technologies are transforming the legal profession, particularly within the financial markets of the Dominican Republic. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning are revolutionising legal practices by automating routine tasks, such as document review and compliance checks, and by analysing vast datasets to predict market trends and assess risks. Similarly, blockchain technology enhances transparency and security by providing an immutable ledger for transactions and enabling the execution of smart contracts, which reduces fraud and increases efficiency. Legal tech platforms streamline operations through improved case management and regulatory reporting, while big data analytics offers valuable insights for decision-making and risk assessment. Additionally, cloud computing provides scalable solutions for managing documents, facilitating remote access, and ensuring data security. To stay updated on these advancements, I engage in continuous learning through webinars, courses, and industry conferences, and I actively network with professionals in legal and financial technology fields. I also regularly read relevant publications to keep abreast of the latest trends and best practices. By experimenting with new technologies through pilot programmes, I assess their practical benefits and integration with existing processes. This proactive approach enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of legal practices, supports compliance, and drives innovation within the financial sector.

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