Leidy Diana Lugo Durán – GC Powerlist
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Dominican Republic 2024

Energy and utilities

Leidy Diana Lugo Durán

Legal manager of hydrocarbons and energy | Grupo Martí   


Dominican Republic 2024


Recommended Individual

Leidy Diana Lugo Durán

Legal manager of hydrocarbons and energy | Grupo Martí   

How do you approach managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crises, and how does your legal strategy align with the broader business strategy to ensure the organisation’s resilience? 

During periods of instability or crisis, the most important thing is to manage legal aspects proactively and collaboratively. First of all, I focus myself on identifying and evaluating the most urgent legal risks with the greatest impact on the company, possible contractual breaches and the changes in regulations, given that the sector I am in is regulated by the State. Then I make sure we have clear protocols and that all departments, not just the legal team, are prepared to respond quickly to any situation. Another very important aspect is constant and effective communication and coordination with all departments. 

Facing periods of crisis with a joint legal and commercial strategy allows us to constantly evaluate risks, quickly adapt to regulatory changes and take commercial measures and decisions that least impact the interests of the company, clients and partners. This approach is not only to protect our legal interests, but also allows us to remain strong, proactive and manage operational difficulty in times of crisis. 


What are the main cases or transactions you have been involved in recently? 

The most recent transaction was between Sunix Petroleum and TotalEnergies Marketing Dominicana; a major strategic alliance and has been one of the most important and relevant transactions in the Dominican Republic in recent years. 


What measures has your company taken to embed sustainability practices into its core business operations, and how does the role of the general counsel contribute to driving and ensuring sustainable practices within the company?  

Grupo Martí is a business group that has always been characterised by having an active role in the preservation and conservation of the environment. It has several social sustainability plans, a foundation specialised in environmental issues, sponsorship of vulnerable areas, among others. It is currently in the process of constructing a photovoltaic solar plant, which seeks to inject 43 MW of clean energy into the system produced with solar panels. The legal department actively participates in all sustainability projects, this department is responsible for the management and obtaining of all environmental permits for the different operations of the group, including the photovoltaic solar plant, as well in others projects that have been implemented with a view to reduce the use of prints and paper, the legal department is responsible for ensuring that these measures are commercially viable without compromising the company’s responsibility. 


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