Miguelina Infante Colón – GC Powerlist
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Dominican Republic 2024


Miguelina Infante Colón

Legal manager | Banco Múltiple Promerica de la República Dominicana


Dominican Republic 2024


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Miguelina Infante Colón

Legal manager | Banco Múltiple Promerica de la República Dominicana

How do you approach managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crises, and how does your legal strategy align with the broader business strategy to ensure the organsation’s resilience? 

In terms of how to address the management of legal aspects during periods of instability or crisis, and how your legal strategy is aligned with the broader business strategy to ensure the resilience of the organisation, we can say that we approach it in the following way: identifying where the problem was generated; evaluating the scope of the impact for our organisation; determining the damages caused;  and defining an action plan jointly with the organization’s control areas to ensure that all relevant points are covered.

Once the aforementioned points have been identified, we can implement the corrective and preventive measures required to once again obtain the stability and control of the organisation.

Likewise, it would be necessary to proceed with the establishment of action plans that allow mitigating potential legal risks. It is also important to strengthen the legal documents that are prepared in the organization, in order to ensure effective business continuity.

What are the main cases or transactions you have been involved in recently? 

Of our organisation’s processes, I have been working with the following: the proper updating of product opening contracts; the implementation of automation of the preparation of loan contracts; strategic plans for the digitization of documents; implementation of tools for digital signature of clients; development of training plans for members of the legal department; acquisition, development and implementation of software for the organisation; optimization of legal processes; efficiency of response times or service agreements with our internal clients; search for solutions before the various working groups of the ABA, to give immediate attention to the Notifications of Retention Seizures through a Sheriff’s Act with multiple seized persons.

How do you prioritise diversity and inclusion within your legal department?

In our department, we seek to foster a harmonious work environment with open and active communication. We have a diverse staff, of different ages and different religions.

They can talk openly about their habits and beliefs without feeling limited.


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