Pamela Luna Russo – GC Powerlist
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Dominican Republic 2024

Energy and utilities

Pamela Luna Russo

Legal manager | Consorcio Energético Punta Cana-Macao (CEPM)


Dominican Republic 2024

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Pamela Luna Russo

Legal manager | Consorcio Energético Punta Cana-Macao (CEPM)

How do you approach managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crises, and how does your legal strategy align with the broader business strategy to ensure the organisation’s resilience?  


During periods of instability or crises, we adopt a proactive and adaptable approach to managing legal aspects. Our strategy involves constant monitoring of the regulatory environment and anticipating potential legal challenges. We prioritise clear and open communication with all stakeholders to ensure that everyone is informed and aligned with the company’s objectives. By integrating our legal strategy with the broader business strategy, we ensure that our actions contribute to the overall resilience of the organisation. This includes supporting the company’s strategic goals, such as our commitment to decarbonisation and sustainable energy projects, by providing robust legal frameworks that facilitate these initiatives. Our goal is to safeguard the company’s interests, maintain compliance, and support business continuity even in uncertain times. 


What are the main cases or transactions you have been involved in recently?  

Our recent focus has been on advancing our commitment to decarbonisation and renewable energy projects under our CEPM Zero initiative. This effort involves navigating complex legal landscapes related to project development, negotiating with landowners, and ensuring rigorous compliance with technical and environmental regulations. Our team plays a pivotal role in guiding the organisation through a range of legal challenges and opportunities. Recently, our engagements have spanned several critical areas: (i) Obtaining the necessary licenses and permits from the relevant authorities for project development, (ii) Negotiating and drafting agreements essential for project development, aiming to secure favorable terms while ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory standards, and (iii) Ensuring strict adherence to regulations and guidelines, such as technical standards, safety measures, and environmental regulations.  

By proactively addressing legal challenges and leveraging opportunities, we contribute significantly to the sustainability, compliance, and operational success of CEPM, and all of Interenergy Group affiliates. 


What measures has your company taken to embed sustainability practices into its core business operations, and how does the role of the general counsel contribute to driving and ensuring sustainable practices within the company? 


Our company has implemented several measures to embed sustainability practices into our core business operations. We have developed a comprehensive sustainability strategy that focuses on reducing our environmental impact, promoting social responsibility, and ensuring economic viability. Key initiatives include investing in renewable energy projects, implementing energy-efficient technologies, and promoting waste reduction and sustainable living. 


As in-house counsel, we ensure that all our sustainability initiatives comply with local and (in certain cases) international environmental regulations. This includes staying abreast of regulatory changes and advising the company on how to adapt our practices accordingly. Additionally, we work closely with other departments to integrate sustainability into our corporate governance framework. This involves developing policies and procedures that promote ethical behavior, transparency, and accountability. By aligning our legal strategies with our sustainability goals, we can ensure that our company not only meets regulatory requirements but also contributes positively to the broader community and environment. 


Pamela Luna Russo - Dominican Republic 2023

Legal manager | Consorcio Energético Punta Cana-Macao (CEPM)

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Pamela Luna Russo

Legal manager

Consorcio Energético Punta Cana-Macao (CEPM)

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