Wendy Victoria Rodriguez – GC Powerlist
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Dominican Republic 2024

Telecommunication services

Wendy Victoria Rodriguez

Legal and regulatory director | Altice Dominicana


Dominican Republic 2024


Recommended Individual

Wendy Victoria Rodriguez

Legal and regulatory director | Altice Dominicana

Team size:  10  

How do you approach managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crises, and how does your legal strategy align with the broader business strategy to ensure the organisation’s resilience? 

I lead my team with a focus on maintaining a clear, objective approach that allows us to navigate legal aspects effectively during periods of instability or crises. Our strategy involves identifying legal advantages and assessing actions to anticipate, prevent, and mitigate potential impacts on business continuity and the company’s strategic objectives. This requires a comprehensive understanding of all aspects of the business, active involvement in both strategic and operational processes, and regular communication with peers within the Altice Group as well as international and local legal and reputational advisors. 

By aligning our objectives with the business needs, we ensure a robust legal and regulatory presence in forums that influence decision-making within both the company and the sector. This involvement provides us with timely access to legal and regulatory developments that could affect the company’s operations. As a result, we can adjust our strategy to manage risks effectively and achieve our goals. 

What are the main cases or transactions you have been involved in recently? 

Recently, I have been deeply involved in the company’s most significant transactions. These include the sale of the company, its merger with the third-largest local telecom operator, and the disposal of assets through a spin-off process. Additionally, I have been engaged in rebranding efforts, financing projects, and negotiations with key suppliers. I have also managed major litigation cases involving substantial claims, with a success rate of over 80% in securing favourable outcomes. 

What measures has your company taken to embed sustainability practices into its core business operations, and how does the role of the general counsel contribute to driving and ensuring sustainable practices within the company? 

Altice Dominicana has made substantial progress in integrating sustainability practices into its core operations through its foundation, which acts as the executing arm for CSR and sustainability initiatives. The company has invested approximately 60 million DOP in projects aimed at improving the quality of life and promoting sustainable development in disadvantaged communities. Our strategy focuses on several key areas. 

We have invested in connectivity for development by equipping and providing high-speed internet to 13 digital rooms and sponsoring a community centre, benefiting over 20,000 people. In terms of environmental sustainability, we have supported the establishment of the country’s first self-sustainable community in Azua and provided resources for solar-powered pumping systems to ensure the continuous operation of two aqueducts in San Juan and Elías Piña, impacting 2,000 individuals. 

Additionally, we have partnered with Jompéame, an online fundraising platform, which allows our customers to donate points that are converted into pesos for the foundation. Our internal network of 150 volunteers actively contributes to these initiatives, offering their time and expertise for operational and mentoring tasks. 

In my role, I ensure the legal framework for these initiatives is well established and compliant with relevant regulations. We also promote internal sustainability actions, such as the proper disposal of electronic waste from our network and mobile equipment, ensuring adherence to environmental laws and contributing to our broader sustainability goals. 


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