Company Secretary, and General Manager-Legal Affairs | Kenya Electricity Generating Company
Austin Ouko
Company Secretary, and General Manager-Legal Affairs | Kenya Electricity Generating Company
Legal team size: 10
Country you are primarily based in: Kenya
What are the most significant cases and transactions that your legal team has recently been involved in?
Key transactions my legal team has been involved in include:
Which recent political, economic or regulatory changes have impacted your work the most in recent years?
The main regulatory change that has impacted my advisory role in the recent years arises from implementation of Kenya’s revamped Energy Laws. The enactment of the Energy Act 2019, and the ongoing development and operationalization of the Act’s supporting policies has come with new opportunities for KenGen, with respect to which our legal team is expected to adapt and guide. Through these latest developments, KenGen is no longer restricted to power generation, and through the guiding regulations, can now venture into bulk supply, distribution and other commercial activities. I also foresee an enhanced advisory role as the country is currently developing a working framework for green trade and finance.
Are there any causes, business or otherwise, that you are passionate about?
Beyond my engaging role in the energy Sector, I am equally passionate about public finance, and pension finance management. I previously served in various management roles in Kenya’s National Social Security fund, and currently sit as board member in KenGen’s defined contribution, and retirement benefit schemes.