Ecuador 2022 – GC Powerlist
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Ecuador 2022

  • Industries

  • Powerlist

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Alejandra Salazar Parada

Legal chief and corporate affairs | Quala

Food, beverages and tobacco

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Alfonso Eduardo Robles Alcivar

Legal director | Unicomer de Ecuador

Consumer products

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Alfredo González Garavito

Legal and corporate affairs director | Sumesa

Food, beverages and tobacco

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Alfredo Morla Béjar

Legal counsel | Comandato

Consumer products

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Ana Cristina Lapentty

Legal and government affairs manager | Productos Avon Ecuador

Consumer products

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Ana Maria Salas Arevalo

Legal director | Las Lomas Ciudad Industrial y Comercial

Industrials and real estate

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Andrea Peñarreta Gallego

Legal counsel and compliance officer | Nutreco

Food, beverages and tobacco

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Andrea Torres

Corporate counsel | SBA Communications Corporation - Ecuador

Telecommunication services

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Andrés Sánchez Pullas

Senior legal counsel | Banco Pichincha


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Arantzazu Torres Mendoza

Legal director | Grupo AJE

Food, beverages and tobacco

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Arody Perdomo Fernández

Head legal and compliance EC-PE | OLX

Consumer products

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Beatriz Tato

Compliance officer | Telefónica

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Camila Peña Arellano

Chief legal | Banco Internacional Ecuador


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Carla Hernandez

General Legal Counsel Venezuela and Ecuador | Unilever

Consumer products

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Carlos Alberto Cabezas Delgado

Legal manager | Duragas Abastible

Energy and utilities

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Carlos Briceño Martinez

Legal manager | Lundin Gold

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Carlos Crespo

Legal manager | Inproel

Energy and utilities

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Carolina Burgos

Corporate lawyer | Coheco

Energy and utilities

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Claudia Pernas Pavisic

Legal director | Chubb


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Cristian Troya Flores

Legal manager Candean region | Novartis


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Cristina Lazo

Legal and corporate affairs director | DP World

Transport and infrastructure

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Dana Benitez

Legal manager | Pronaca

Food, beverages and tobacco

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Denisse Cardenas

Head of legal advice | Banco de Machala


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Diego A. Calderón C.

Gerente legal and apoderado especial | Directv Ecuador

Telecommunication services

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Diego Martinez

Legal manager | Banco Guayaquil


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Diego Medina

Legal director | Cobiscorp

Information technology

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Fernando Donoso

Director legal ecuador and legal counselor | Huawei Technologies

Telecommunication services

Gabriel Solís Vinueza

Legal director | Grupo Sudinco

Industrials and real estate

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Gabriela Bajaña Rivadeneira

Legal manager | El universo

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Galo Fernando Chávez Pérez

Legal manager | Fresenius Medical Care


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Giancarlo D’Aniello

Director jurídico | Concentración Deportiva de Pichincha

Non-profit / public sector

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Guillermo Daniel Domínguez Cueva

General counsel | Seguros Unidos


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Hans Cremieux

Gerente legal and asuntos corporativos  | Tesalia CBC

Food, beverages and tobacco

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Héctor Almeida

Gerente legal | Bolsa de Valores de Quito


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Jean Carlos García Toro

Legal manager | Corporación Fernández

Consumer products

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Jenny Peñaherrera

Legal counsel Ecuador | Pluspetrol

Energy and utilities

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Jessica Medina

Jefe legal corporativo | Grupo Pichincha


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Jose Mena

Gerente legal  | ToniCorp

Food, beverages and tobacco

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José Antonio Paulson

Lawyer | Netlife

Information technology

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José Ignacio Mena

Legal manager | Tonicorp

Food, beverages and tobacco

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José Javier Rodríguez Acosta

Legal manager | Reybanpac

Food, beverages and tobacco

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José María Gordillo Morales

Legal manager - Ecuador | SBA Communications

Telecommunication services

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José Ortega Amoroso

Legal manager | Unión Cementera Nacional UCEM

Industrials and real estate

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Juan Dousdebes

Legal director | Teojama Comercial


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Juan Carlos Domínguez

Legal manager | Santos CMI

Industrials and real estate

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Juan Fernando Noboa

Legal vicepresident | Banco Guayaquil


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Juan Francisco Salvador

Corporate manager of management control and risks and legal | Corporación GPF - Grupo Fybeca

Consumer products

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Juan Francisco González

Legal transformation and compliance manager | Banco Pichincha


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Juan Pablo Rojas

Head of legal | Ecuavisa

Information technology

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Julissa Vásquez Muñoz

Legal manager | Banco Amazonas


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Karina Aguirre

Head of legal | Difare


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Karina Alexandra Larrea Rodríguez

Legal counsel GM Ecuador legal department  | Fresenius Medical Care


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Karla Ortiz Mora

Senior counsel | Phoenix Tower International

Telecommunication services

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Leonardo Viteri

Vice President of Legal and Corporate Affairs | Reybanpac

Food, beverages and tobacco

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Lisa Abcarius Racines

Chief legal counsel | Banco Capital


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Lorena Montesdeoca

Chief legal counsel | Puntonet

Telecommunication services

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Lucía Negrete

Legal manager | KFC Ecuador

Food, beverages and tobacco

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Luis Eduardo Narváez Aguirre

Head of legal Latin America | Synlab


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Luis Vernaza

General Counsel | Dole Food Company

Food, beverages and tobacco

Marco Andrés Espinoza

Corporate legal counsel | Arca Continental Ecuador

Consumer products

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María Belén Freire Prado

Legal chief and corporate affairs | Corporación El Rosado

Consumer products

María de Lourdes Ortiz Tovar

Legal counsel | TMF Group

Commercial and professional services

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Maria del Carmen Burgos

Legal director | Claro

Information technology

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María Gabriela Jijón

General counsel and chief compliance officer | Holcim

Industrials and real estate

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María José Escarcellé

Abogada | Telefónica

Telecommunication services

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María Paula Grijalva

Chief legal counsel | Barka Capital


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Mariela Anchundia Mieles

Legal assistant manager | Latam Airlines Ecuador

Transport and infrastructure

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Martín  Espinosa

Legal and corporate affairs director | Cervecería Nacional

Food, beverages and tobacco

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Michael Alexander Medina Cevallos

Director jurídico | Grupo Empresarial Espinoza - GES

Energy and utilities

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Nicolas Castro

Legal director | Grupo Almar Ecuador

Food, beverages and tobacco

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Nicolás Emilio Ruiz Bravo

Legal counsel GM Ecuador legal department  | Motors del Ecuador

Consumer products

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Oscar Javier Niquinga Salazar

Legal manager | Andes Petroleum

Energy and utilities

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Pablo Andrade

Head of legal and compliance andean cluster (Colombia, Ecuador, Peru) | Alcon


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Pablo Javier Del Pozo

Senior corporate counsel, LATAM | Lumen Technologies

Telecommunication services

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Patricia Villamarín Andrade

Gerente legal y relaciones publicas  | UNACEM Ecuador

Industrials and real estate

Patricio Viteri

General counsel and chief compliance officer  | DK Management Services

Commercial and professional services

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Paul Rolando Leon Altamirano

Legal manager | Grupo Consenso

Commercial and professional services

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Paulina Zambrano

Legal manager | Liberty Seguros Ecuador


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Rafael Garcia

Legal manager | Samsung

Information technology

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Rafael Serrano Barona

Chief legal officer | Location World

Information technology

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Ricardo Dávalos Cornejo

Gerente legal and compliance Ecuador, Puerto Rico, República Dominicana, Aruba and Curazao | Linde

Energy and utilities

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Roberto Dipinto-Cafiero

ECP senior legal counsel | Schlumberger

Energy and utilities

Roberto Moreno Arévalo

Legal manager | Cervecería Nacional

Food, beverages and tobacco

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Roberto Naranjo Merizalde

Corporate legal manager | Asesoría y control

Commercial and professional services

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Roberto Rada Salazar

Legal manager | LG Electronics Ecuador

Consumer products

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Roberto Vargas Romero

Corporate legal chief | Interoc Custer

Food, beverages and tobacco

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Santiago Armijos Valdivieso

Legal manager | Banco de Loja


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Shannyra Gordillo

Legal manager | Automotores y Anexos

Consumer products

Sofia Almeida

General counsel | Zurich Seguros Ecuador


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Teodoro Maldonado

General counsel | Conecel

Telecommunication services

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Vicente Egas

Counsel EC | Philip Morris International

Food, beverages and tobacco

Vivian Hernández Pico

Director of legal affairs | Mapfre Ecuador


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Xavier Granja Cisneros

Chief legal counsel | Yanbal

Consumer products

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Ximena Beatriz  Espinosa Barrera

Gerente legal  | Banco Solidario


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Ximena Espinosa Barrera

Legal manager | Banco Solidario


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Yoandy Vega

Legal director | Wayra Energy

Energy and utilities

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Yuri Velázquez

Legal counsel | Santa Priscila

Food, beverages and tobacco

Ecuador has a rich natural endowment which if combined with climate-friendly policies has the potential to be a source of the country’s sustainable economic development. With the government initiatives on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) such as the Green Bonus scheme, Ecuador’s in-house lawyers have been proactive in navigating their organisations by encouraging eco-friendly policies and socially responsible governance. Despite the challenges the country has faced through the unprecedented pandemic crisis, the legal teams serving the companies in Ecuador demonstrably helped businesses to drive success while mitigating risks and reducing potential legal issues.  

This year’s GC Powerlist: Ecuador highlights the role of in-house counsel playing a vital part in promoting global initiatives including Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Taking the lead in implementing corporate agendas with social accountability, in-house counsel in Ecuador promoted diversity and inclusion as well as community engagement into their corporate governance   internal model. Recognised as business partner, the in-house legal role in Ecuador continues to evolve as strategic advisor, leading the latest opportunities and challenges.  

Remaining abreast of the latest legal technology, legal functions demonstrated their increasing efficiency and productivity over the pandemic. Technology will continue the push for in-house lawyers to work faster and smarter. Driving further efficiencies in processes, the counsel contained within these pages have utilised their legal knowledge strategically alongside business insight to make a positive impact towards their organisation’s success.  

It was my pleasure to speak and extensively interview the most agile, innovative, and exceptional in-house lawyers in Ecuador spanning international and domestic business titans and organisations at the cutting edge of technology and the future of work, each with their own priorities and challenges. I would like to extend the sincerest gratitude to all the general counsel and in-house lawyers who participated in this edition of the GC Powerlist: Ecuador. This edition identifies the most impressive counsel who have tackled new challenges caused by the pandemic as well as the development of eco-friendly regulations and policies. 

GC Summit Austria 2025

Against the impressive backdrop of the Vienna Marriott Hotel, Legal 500 GC Summit: Austria 2025 brought together esteemed in-house counsel, practitioners and leaders from across the legal industry.

Armin Schwabl, partner at CERHA HEMPEL, kicked off the day with a dynamic presentation discussing the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CS3D). Providing a high-level overview of the requirements, the presentation analysed the implications of the directive on in-house counsel. Schwabl examined the steps set out in the due diligence part of the CS3D and looked at what sustainability means in the context of the directive. The presentation provided practical solutions and strategies that in-house counsel can put into effect in response to the CS3D, and finished with the reminder that these measures are a team effort: in-house counsel can utilise the teams around them when approaching such legislation.

The second panel of the day, moderated by Edmund Schuster, counsel, and Claudia Fochtmann-Tischler, partner, at Baker McKenzie, considered the role of price mechanisms in M&A. The firm presented its global deal points study, examining the prevalence of different mechanisms across the DACH (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) region, the UK and the US. Ernest Jędrzejewski, regional head of legal and compliance East Europe at DS Smith, weighed in on the conversation to discuss various aspects affecting the prevalence of different mechanisms. Nicole Christ, head of legal at RHI Magnesita, pointed out the different – and broad – perspective that in-house counsel can provide when navigating pricing mechanisms. Giovanna Bevilacqua, legal and compliance counsel at Doka, discussed the importance of translating these different perspectives across departments, from legal to strategy to finance.

Deminor’s sponsored panel picked up on this ever-prevalent theme, providing a platform for experienced in-house counsel to discuss their interaction with the world of third-party funding (TPF). Moderator Stephan Klebes, senior legal counsel at Deminor, emphasised the importance of bridging the gap between the funder and finance team and the legal team. He was joined on stage by Ulrich Kopetzki, acting director for Europe at the ICC, Bernard Reviczky, general counsel South-Eastern Europe region at Siemens Energy, Anna Katharina Radschek, senior legal counsel at Lincoln Electric, and Anne-Karin Grill, founder and principal of AKG ADVISORY. Looking at the increasingly sophisticated litigation funding market, the panel considered the benefits of having TPF as a tool in the company toolbox. The panellists concluded with the resounding agreement that it is essential to overcome

the hesitation around TPF: the best course of action for in-house counsel is to pick up the phone and call the funder.

Picking up the programme after coffee, Taylor Wessing partners Andreas Schütz and Philipp Zumbo took to the stage for the firm’s panel on navigating the threats, liabilities and potential risks within the cybersecurity space. Peter Lohberger, head of the legal department at Wiener Wohnen Hausbetreuung, discussed the importance of awareness of cybersecurity issues, and Carina Kloibhofer, head of AT data privacy security management at Erste Group Bank AG, provided expert opinions on ways in which companies can increase awareness – both within the organisation itself and beyond. Georg Jeitler, head of advisory at Grant Thornton Austria, looked at managing cyber incidents and preparing for the worst-case scenario.

Phillip Dubsky, partner at Herbst Kinsky, moderated the final session of the day, which considered mechanisms to bridge valuation gaps when pricing transactions. Christian Horvath, senior legal counsel at OMV Aktiengesellschaft, and Stefan Führer, acting general counsel at Eunomia, joined Dubsky on stage for what he dubbed the ‘artists panel’, with the panellists discussing creative ways to overcome these pricing discrepancies and practical strategies in-house counsel can use to save transactions.

Providing a forum for expert discussion and high-level debate, Legal 500 GC Summit: Austria 2025 equipped in-house counsel with key takeaways and practical strategies to implement in their practices in what continues to be a fast-paced and rapidly changing market.