Ecuador 2023 – GC Powerlist
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Ecuador 2023

  • Industries

  • Powerlist

Alejandra Salazar Parada

Chief legal and corporate relations | Quala


Alejandro Lagos Arosemena

Head of legal | Almacenes Juan Eljuri

Consumer products

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Alfonso Eduardo Robles Alcívar

Legal manager | Unicomer Ecuador

Consumer products

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Andrés Sánchez Pullas

Legal counsel | Banco Pichincha and Deuna!


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Andres Valentino Martín Vanegas

Chief legal officer | Trust Fiduciaria Administradora de Fondos y Fideicomisos


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Arantzazu Torres Mendoza

Legal manager | Grupo AJE


Beatriz Beatriz Tato González

Compliance and data protection officer | Otecel (Telefónica Ecuador)

Telecommunication services

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Blanca Isabel Egas Velasco

Legal manager | Telefónica Ecuador

Telecommunication services

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Carla Chaparro Guerrero

Legal and compliance manager | PayJoy


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Carla Hernández Montiel

General counsel, Venezuela and Ecuador | Unilever Andina Ecuador

Consumer products

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Carlos Alberto Cabezas Delgado

Legal and compliance manager | Duragas Abastible

Energy and utilities

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Carolina Burgos Villafuerte

Corporate lawyer | COHECO

Industrials and real estate

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Claudia Pernas Pavisic

Legal manager | Chubb


Cristina Lazo Guerrero

Legal and corporate affairs director | DP World

Transport and infrastructure

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Dana Benitez

Legal manager | Pronaca

Industrials and real estate

Diego Antonio Calderón Castelo

Legal manager and regulatory coordinator for Ecuador and compliance regional lead | Directv Latin America

Telecommunication services

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Diego Delgado Valdivieso

Legal manager and compliance officer | Optilimpio

Consumer products

Diego Martínez González

Legal manager | Banco Guayaquil


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Diego Medina

Legal director | Grupo Cobis | Topaz


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Elizabeth Grijalva Yerovi

Senior legal manager | PwC Ecuador

Commercial and professional services

Fernando Javier Donoso Maldonado

Legal director | Huawei Technologies

Telecommunication services

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Florencia Coronel

Legal counsel for Ecuador, Venezuela, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile and Paraguay | Halliburton

Energy and utilities

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Francisco Játiva Yánez

Head of legal | ProintelC Ecuador

Commercial and professional services

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Galo Fernando Chávez Pérez

Head of legal | Fresenius Medical Care


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Guadalupe Khamashta Barciona

Legal manager | Decevale

Commercial and professional services

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Guillermo Daniel Domínguez Cueva

General attorney | Seguros Unidos


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Hans Cremieux Collin

Corporate and legal manager | Tesalia


Héctor Almeida

Legal manager | Bolsa de Valores de Quito


J. Alfredo González Garavito

Legal manager | Agroazucar Ecuador


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Jean Carlos García Toro

Legal manager | Compañía Azucarera Valdez


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Jean García Toro

Legal manager | Corporación Fernández


José Alcívar Pozo

Legal chief and data protection officer | Netlife Ecuador

Telecommunication services

José Ignacio Mena

Legal manager | Tonicorp


Jose Javier Rodriguez Acosta

Legal manager | Reybanpac


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José María Gordillo Morales

Legal manager | SBA Communications Corporation

Telecommunication services

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José Ortega Amoroso

Legal manager | Unión Cementera Nacional (UCEM)

Industrials and real estate

Juan Dousdebes

Legal director | Teojama Comercial

Commercial and professional services

Juan Francisco González

Corporate compliance and risk manager | Pichincha Corp


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Juan Francisco Salvador

Corporate manager of management control and risks and legal | Corporación GPF (Grupo Fybeca)

Consumer products

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Juan Montiel Oubiña

Senior legal counsel | Galicia Seguros


Juan Pablo Castillo Armijos

Legal manager | BMI Ecuador


Julissa Vásquez Muñoz

Legal manager | Banco Amazonas


Karla Ortiz Mora

Senior counsel | Phoenix Tower International Ecuador (PTIE)

Telecommunication services

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Leonardo Viteri Andrade

Vice president of legal and corporate affairs | Reybanpac


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Lisa Abcarius Racines

Legal manager - board member | Banco Capital


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Lucía Negrete

Legal manager | KFC Ecuador


Luis Manuel Garcia

Senior legal counsel | Schlumberger

Industrials and real estate

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Luis Vernaza

General counsel | Dole Food Company


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Marco Andrés Espinoza

Legal director | Arca Continental


María Belén Freire Prado

Legal counsel | Corporación El Rosado

Consumer products

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Maria Daniela Cascante Sáenz

Legal, corporate affairs and compliance manager | UNACEM Ecuador

Industrials and real estate

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María de Lourdes Ortiz Tovar

Senior legal counsel | TMF Group


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María del Carmen Burgos

Legal director | Conecel (Claro Ecuador)

Telecommunication services

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Maria Gabriela Betancourt Celi

Corporate legal manager | SERTECPET

Energy and utilities

María Gabriela Jijón

General counsel, corporate affairs manager and chief compliance officer | Holcim

Industrials and real estate

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María Lorena Montesdeoca

Chief legal counsel | PCR Ecuador

Energy and utilities

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María Paula Grijalva

Chief legal counsel | Barka Capital


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Marisela Salinas Jaramillo

Legal manager | Petrolia Ecuador

Energy and utilities

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Martín Espinosa

Legal and corporate affairs director | Cervecería Nacional


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Mauricio Nuñez

Legal vice-president | Ecuacorriente

Materials and mining

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Michael Medina Cevallos

Legal director | Grupo Empresarial Espinoza

Energy and utilities

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Michele Paola Armijos Peña

Legal director | Diverzu del Grupo Zurita

Industrials and real estate

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Miguel Palacios

General counsel | Grupo Palmon

Consumer products

Mónica Burbano Albornoz

Legal manager | Seguros Equinoccial


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Oscar Javier Niuquinga Salazar

Legal manager | Andes Petroleum Ecuador

Energy and utilities

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Pablo Del Pozo

Senior corporate counsel, LATAM | Cirion Technologies

Information technology

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Patricia Villamarín Andrade

Legal, compliance and public relations manager | UNACEM Ecuador

Industrials and real estate

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Patricio Viteri Hidalgo

Legal and compliance director | Corporación DK

Commercial and professional services

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Paul Leon Altamirano

Legal corporate manager | Grupo Consenso

Commercial and professional services

Paulina Martínez Marmol

General counsel and president of the compliance unit | Grupo Santillana

Sports and media

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Paulina Zambrano Rodríguez

Legal manager | Liberty Seguros


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Pedro Ospina Loza

Vice president of corporate and legal affairs | Nestlé Ecuador

Consumer products

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Rafael Serrano

Chief legal counsel | Location World

Information technology

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Ricardo Dávalos Cornejo

Legal and compliance manager, Ecuador, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Aruba and Curazon | Linde

Materials and mining

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Ricardo Esteban Camacho

Legal and compliance director | Empresa Pública Metropolitana de Seguridad y Logística

Public sector

Roberto Andrés Moreno Arévalo

Legal manager | Cervecería Nacional


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Roberto Dipinto Cafiero

Senior legal counsel | Schlumberger

Information technology

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Roberto Rada Salazar

Legal manager | LG Electronics

Consumer products

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Roberto Vargas Romero

Corporate legal manager | Interoc Custer

Industrials and real estate

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Santiago Armijos Valdivieso

Legal manager | Banco de Loja


Shannyra Gordillo

Legal manager | Automotores y Anexos

Industrials and real estate

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Silvana Ronquillo

Legal manager | Zion Administradora de Fondos y Fideicomisos


Sofía Almeida Montero

General counsel | Zurich Seguros Ecuador


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Stalin Sacoto Zambrano

Legal director | NOVICOMPU

Consumer products

Verónica Cevallos Zúñiga

Anti money laundering officer | Generali Seguros


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Vivian Hernández Pico

Director of legal affairs | MAPFRE Ecuador


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Walter Ocampo Crespo

Senior legal counsel | China Railway Construction

Industrials and real estate

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Xavier Granja Cisneros

Legal director | Yanbal International

Consumer products

Ximena Espinosa Barrera

Legal manager | Superintendencia de Bancos


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Yoandy Vega

Legal director | Wayra Energy

Energy and utilities

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Yuri Velazquez Egüez

Legal director | Industrial Pesquera Santa Priscila

Consumer products

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The Legal 500 is proud to present to you the latest edition of the GC Powerlist: Ecuador. This eagerly awaited publication is committed to acknowledging and commemorating the outstanding achievements of the foremost in-house lawyers in the country.

This publication shines a spotlight on the noteworthy contributions of in-house counsel to businesses in Ecuador, standing as a testament to their expertise, leadership, and unwavering commitment to excellence. This 2023 edition underscores exceptional achievements and innovative approaches taken by the selected individuals as they navigate the intricate landscape of Ecuadorian law. Addressing challenges such as the implementation of artificial intelligence (AI), relationships with business partners, diversity and inclusion initiatives, among others, these professionals have showcased resilience and adaptability in a dynamic legal environment.

Within this publication, you’ll discover in-depth profiles and exclusive interviews featuring the most influential and esteemed in-house lawyers spanning various industries in Ecuador. These individuals consistently showcase their prowess in steering legal strategy, adeptly managing risks, and offering strategic counsel to their respective organisations. Their achievements not only serve as inspiration to the legal community but also exemplify the profound impact in-house lawyers can wield on the business strategy and success of their organisations.

This research brings to light several key findings, including the continuous and fast-growing application of AI within legal departments. As voiced by many in-house lawyers, echoed by Pedro del Pozo, senior counsel at Cirion Technologies, “we have already implemented platforms to attend our internal client by using artificial intelligence, which have allowed us to have better response times and thus contribute to the closing of important businesses on a daily basis.” In-house lawyers are recognising the potential of AI to enhance various aspects of their roles. One key area is the automation of routine tasks, allowing legal professionals to streamline processes, increase efficiency, and allocate more time to strategic and high-value activities. Undoubtedly, AI stands out as a noteworthy subject for in-house lawyers to monitor closely.

Furthermore, our findings underscore a persistent need for enhancing the relationship between legal teams and business partners. Despite the demonstrated value of in-house counsel, particularly evident during the challenges of the pandemic, there remains an opportunity for further advancement in cultivating more robust collaboration and mutual understanding between the legal and business functions. As perfectly put by Ricardo Dávalos at Linde, “[t]he best way to create strong relationships with our business partners is to stablished the “game rules” from the beginning of the relationship and to align our values and principles permanently.” In all, as voiced by in-house lawyers in general, this ongoing commitment to strengthening collaboration is vital for maximising the collective impact of both legal and business expertise within any organisation.


Legal departments in Ecuador are also quickly increasing their efforts on diversity, inclusion and equity initiatives. As our research underscores, fostering an inclusive culture for all is a top priority for in-house lawyers, as they are dedicated to showcasing the best version of their employees, irrespective of any external factor that is not relevant to their work. As stated by Gabriela Jijón, general counsel at Holcim, “[p]romoting an inclusive culture for all is a priority and we strive to highlight the best version of our employees regardless of their age, nationality or gender.” As a key takeaway from the many interesting interviews within this publication is the broad understanding that embracing the richness of perspectives that diversity brings, cultivating a culture where each employee can reach their full potential, fostering innovation and collaboration, will only bring benefits to the development and growth of companies in the country.

Within this publication, you’ll find exclusive content on various pertinent topics and challenges for all things in-house legal. Delve into the GC Powerlist: Ecuador 2023 and uncover the remarkable stories of these exceptional individuals. Through their experiences and insights, our aim is to offer a comprehensive overview of the legal landscape in Ecuador, emphasising the indispensable role played by in-house legal teams.

Our heartfelt gratitude goes to all the featured in-house lawyers for their invaluable contributions and for generously sharing their professional journeys with us. It brings us great pleasure to present to you this distinguished list, showcasing Ecuador’s most outstanding, dedicated, and celebrated in-house lawyers.



Francisco Faria e Castro | Senior research analyst | GC Powerlist series

GC Powerlist: Philippines Teams 2024

For our second edition of the Legal 500’s GC Powerlist: Philippines, we decided to turn the focus of the publication on to legal teams rather than individual lawyers, based on conversations we had with in-house and private practice lawyers in the region. By doing so, we moved our attention on to hardworking but often less heralded members of the legal team alongside the general counsel and other senior lawyers that are famous in the community. The response the community was intensely positive, and we were happy to welcome around 150 people to the beautiful Rainmakers Lounge at Villaraza & Angangco’s V&A Law Centre in Manila for our exclusive launch event.
After speeches from managing partner Sylvette Tankiang, Dodjie Lagazo of ACEN Renewables who provided the in-house legal perspective, and Legal 500 editor Joe Boswell, we moved on to the award ceremony where each legal team was given their accolade on stage by Sylvette. As you can see from the photos, we had a huge range of teams in attendance, many of whom made great efforts to represent their companies. Of particular note are the team from Globe who attended wearing matching T shirts to fly the flag.
As always, celebrations continued well past the official end time and the energy in the room was hugely positive. Special thanks for the massive success of our second GC Powerlist Philippines must go to our excellent sponsors V&A, who were helpful throughout the research in giving nominations and tips regarding the in-house legal community there, as well as faultlessly organising a complicated reception and award ceremony.