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Ecuador 2023

Consumer products

Roberto Rada Salazar

Legal manager | LG Electronics


Ecuador 2023

Recommended Individual

Roberto Rada Salazar

Legal manager | LG Electronics

What are the most important cases or transactions your legal team has been involved in recently?

Throughout this year we have participated in the design and analysis of contractual, fiduciary, and legal structures in general, we have also focused on internal legal advice to all departments and on international regulatory reporting in Ecuador. We have had to analyse the regulations that impact or may impact the development of the business and impede the development of institutional and departmental objectives and inform internal clients.

We have proposed problem-solving strategies for those issues that impede or may impede the performance of the company’s activities. I have prepared reports and legal opinions on issues requested by the legal department and management, related to the company’s activity, regulatory aspects and litigation with state entities, clients, and suppliers.

The main fields in which I have worked are Tax Law, Customs Law, Commercial Law, Intellectual Property, Telecommunications, Control of Market Power, Consumer Protection, Data Protection, Corporate Compliance and Migration.

To what extent is it important to choose to work with external lawyers that align with your company’s values? Are you likely to reconsider which law firms you work with based on this?

Absolutely, external lawyers must build a strong alignment with our company’s policies. This ensures we achieve efficient service delivery as well as the successful achievement of our objectives. There are many law firms that fail to adapt to the organisation’s realities, therefore becoming an impediment to the accomplishment of our objectives.

Why are in-house lawyers well placed to drive change in their organisations?

In-house lawyers are a fundamental part of the executives that make up an organisation; their insight into national and international legal parameters enables the organisation to make the best decisions which in turn benefit their objectives.

What diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives have you and your legal department championed within your company?

At a global level, our organisation has prioritised the enforcement of polices aimed at preventing and harassment and discrimination at every level. This commitment extends beyond the traditional hierarchical structure governing employer-employee relationships and encompasses positions of equal hierarchical standing as well. The work has been carried out in collaboration with our HR department, involving training and implementing the policies into the organisation’s daily operations.

Roberto Rada Salazar - Ecuador 2022

Legal manager | LG Electronics Ecuador

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Roberto Rada Salazar

Legal manager

LG Electronics Ecuador

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