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Ecuador 2023

Industrials and real estate

Walter Ocampo Crespo

Senior legal counsel | China Railway Construction


Ecuador 2023

Recommended Individual

Walter Ocampo Crespo

Senior legal counsel | China Railway Construction

Team size: Five

What are the most significant cases or transactions that your legal team has recently been involved in?

We faced many obstacles, including a wide range of cases and transactions and a big technology related commercial negotiation with the government. The situation was very complex, but with the help of my team, we were able to solve the problem and assist in forming a strategic partnership and drafting joint venture agreements and commercial contracts.

It is important to note that the specific cases and transactions my legal team faces can vary widely. We often need to stay informed about changes in laws and regulations that could impact our client and provide guidance accordingly.

Why are in-house lawyers well-placed to drive change in their organisations?

In-house lawyers are well-placed to drive change in organisations due to their unique position within the company and their understanding of both legal and business matters.

In-house lawyers work closely with various departments and teams within the organisation, which gives them a deep understanding of the company’s operations, culture, challenges, and goals. This knowledge allows them to identify areas where legal considerations intersect with business strategies and where change might be needed. They are also trained to assess and mitigate legal risks. When an organisation seeks to implement changes, whether related to new products, services, or processes, in-house lawyers can ensure that these changes are aligned with legal requirements and minimize potential legal liabilities.

In-house lawyers are often called upon to find creative solutions to complex challenges. Their ability to think critically and provide practical solutions can drive innovative changes within the organisation. They possess a combination of legal expertise, organisational knowledge, and cross-functional relationships that uniquely position them to drive positive change. By leveraging their skills and insights, they can contribute to strategic initiatives, operational improvements, and cultural shifts that lead to long-term success.

As we live in a fast-paced world today, what skills will a corporate legal team need to succeed in the modern in-house industry?

A corporate legal team will need a diverse set of skills to succeed and effectively address the complex and rapidly changing of business and law. Legal expertise remains the foundational skill. A deep understanding of relevant laws, regulations, and legal principles is essential for providing accurate advice and guidance to the organisation.

Clear and concise communication is vital for explaining complex legal matters to non-legal colleagues and stakeholders. Effective communication ensures that legal advice is understood and followed throughout. This skill is also helpful in facilitating collaboration; legal issues often intersect with various departments, such as finance, HR, and operations. Collaborative skills are essential for working effectively with colleagues from diverse backgrounds and functions.

The ability to analyse complex situations, identify potential legal risks, and develop innovative solutions is a hallmark of a successful corporate legal team. Additionally, In-house lawyers often negotiate contracts, settlements, and other agreements. Strong negotiation skills are necessary to protect the company’s interests while maintaining positive relationships.

Legal matters often involve multiple tasks, deadlines, and stakeholders. Consequently, proficiency in project management helps the legal team stay organised, meet deadlines, and deliver results. In line with this, being prepared to handle legal crises and emergencies is essential. This includes quickly assessing the situation, providing guidance, and working to mitigate potential damage.

Finally, corporate legal teams must ensure that the company complies with applicable laws and regulations relevant to its industry. This involves ongoing monitoring and adjustments to policies and practices.

Overall, a successful corporate legal team combines legal expertise with a holistic understanding of the business and its industry. This enables us to provide strategic, actionable, and value-added legal guidance that supports the company’s objectives while managing potential risks.

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