Zahorí Martínez Calva – GC Powerlist
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Europe: Latin America Specialists 2024

Transport and infrastructure

Zahorí Martínez Calva

General counsel | Siemens Mobility Spain


Europe: Latin America Specialists 2024

Recommended Individual

Zahorí Martínez Calva

General counsel | Siemens Mobility Spain

LATAM countries your role covers: Colombia, Ecuador, Argentina, Brazil, México, Dominican Republic

Could you please share the most significant cases or transactions in the LATAM region that you or your legal team have recently been involved in?

Siemens Mobility Spain’s legal team actively participates in international tenders for projects related to railway signalling, electrification, and maintenance systems in multiple Latin American countries. We offer advisory services throughout the bidding process, assisting in risk and opportunity identification, and continue to provide support during the execution of awarded projects. These projects, which involve significant public investments, are crucial for infrastructure development and contribute to enhancing transportation reliability and capacity, ultimately improving people’s quality of life. Siemens’ management holds a clear vision that prioritises sustainability and innovation. Our company’s technology enables efficient train circulation management and ensures safety, which is a fundamental requirement in such projects. Due to the importance of our projects, the legal team plays a vital role in every project milestone.

What are your organisations plans in the LATAM region over the next 12 months and how will your legal expertise help to achieve these plans?

Our company will continue to carry out the projects that have been awarded to us, as well as actively participate in government initiatives that align with our specialised knowledge in railway signalling systems and electrification. The Siemens Mobility Spanish team comprises legal experts from diverse countries, proficient in contract management. Our operations extend not only across Latin America but also worldwide, encompassing over 20 countries. We actively engage in projects where our developed technology meets the requirements of our primary customers, which include public infrastructure and railway operators. Leveraging the diverse skills and expertise of our team and the collaborative network within the Siemens Group, we are able to offer precise legal guidance to support our business endeavours.

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