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France 2022


Boubakar Dione

Group general counsel | Bpifrance


France 2022

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Boubakar Dione

Group general counsel | Bpifrance

Team size: 80 

Can you tell us a little about your significant accomplishments over the last few years, as a team or by yourself? 

Since 2020, and the start of the pandemic, the main highlights for the legal team were to support and implement, as a promotional bank, French government initiatives for financing economy and enterprises, to help protect the country’s economy from the terrible effects of the pandemic.

For instance, our legal department worked in implementation and management, on behalf of the French government, of state guaranteed loans. Also, we worked in the development and launch of digital platforms, crucial in accelerating the granting of loans to French small and medium enterprises, as well as contributed to the reorganisation and simplification of Bpifrance group’s legal organisation chart, to improve its efficiency in a context of economic and sanitary crisis. Lastly, we introduced new tools and ways for managing teams in a time where remote working was necessary for continuing to run our business.

What do you predict will be the biggest change to the legal market in France, in the next few years?  

For me, the biggest change to the legal market in France in the coming years, will be, for sure, the consolidation of the legal technological market. As lawyers, this will be crucial, as it will increase our efficiency when performing daily tasks, by accelerating the digitalisation of our legal department, by automating volumetric or repetitive works.

Have any recent political, economic or regulatory changes impacted your work? How are you dealing with this?  

Like most European banks, Bpifrance is affected by the economic slowdown generated by current geopolitical tensions, specifically Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and subsequent war, and our obligation to comply with the various economic sanctions against Russia.

What is a cause, business related or otherwise, that you care about, and why? 

In our legal department, we care very watchful of climate change and sustainability issues. We are aware of the evolution of climate rules and their impact on our activities and regulatory duties, and as such we continue to work to continuously increase our conscientiousness towards the environment.

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