| Keolis
| Keolis
Patrizia Marraghini, head of the international legal department at Keolis and member of the International Board, understandably looks to recruit lawyers with extensive multi-national experience to her in-house legal team....
Keolis has enjoyed an extremely successful past 24 months, with a number of exciting international projects for its highly-regarded legal team to support. Highly-regarded in-house lawyer Patrizia Marraghini provided some further information on these endeavours. ‘We have worked on a lot of different development projects in Africa Argentina, China, and continental Europe, Sweden, Norway and also in the UK. We have also worked on a number of notable shareholder settlements’. In order to achieve success in these, the team works with external partners and other Keolis business units, who are ‘key’ to the effective support of the company’s projects. Internally, the team has a total complement of 20 lawyers worldwide based in Australia, the US, Sweden, Germany, the Netherlands and the UK in addition to France. Going forward, the team is looking to expand its responsibilities further in the compliance area. ‘Historically we have been responsible for compliance’, Marraghini says, ‘but now we are managing all projects abroad’.