La Poste – GC Powerlist
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France Teams 2017

La Poste

| La Poste


France Teams 2017

Recommended Team

La Poste


La Poste provides postal services in France and overseas territories, with the wider corporate group offering banking and insurance, logistics and mobile telephone services. With over 230,000 employees, it is one of France’s largest employers, presenting its legal team with a lot of complex issues to oversee. Nominators emphasised that the legal team had not only excelled in handling the wide range of matters which come across its desk, but had actively helped shape La Poste’s future by supporting its diversification strategy in an intelligent way. The decline of physical correspondence, greater choice in delivery services and a more competitive banking and telecoms market have made it necessary for La Poste to review its business model – although traditional post still accounts for half the company’s income. Head of legal Franck Pommier and deputy head of legal Nicolas Jeanroy have been instrumental in leading the wider La Poste legal team in supporting the company’s move into new markets. As one nominator comments, ‘the legal team has been among the most impressive I have encountered and has delivered outstanding service and support to the entire business’.

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