Saint-Gobain – GC Powerlist
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France Teams 2017


| Saint-Gobain


France Teams 2017

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Saint-Gobain is a major French-headquartered international materials manufacturer, making products for use in building construction, transportation, infrastructure, health, aerospace, energy and consumer products. In China, Saint-Gobain has a major presence...

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Saint-Gobain’s business of producing a large variety of construction materials and other industrial products such as glass and ceramics is hugely successful, pulling in total revenues of over €39bn in 2016. The company has a long and interesting history, being founded over 350 years ago as a mirror manufacturer, a product which was at that point in history very high-end. Diversifying massively in the following centuries, Saint-Gobain now requires a legal team to oversee and safeguard the fortunes of three main sectors – these being building distribution, construction products and innovative materials. François Masson is general counsel and serves as counsel to the board of directors, taking pride in the fact he is a business partner to the upper echelons of Saint-Gobain’s hierarchy, and contributes real value to their activities through his high-level business acumen. Saint-Gobain’s legal function is staffed by excellent operators in all of its business sectors, with Nayla Valente from the highly important construction materials sector coming in for particular praise. Valente oversees a team of 30 individuals who have specific skills in M&A and IP work, and who provide Saint-Gobain with the excellent technical legal skills and business acumen that allow them an edge over competitors.

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