Marcel Ritter – GC Powerlist
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Germany 2014

Marcel Ritter

Vice president legal | Telefónica Germany


Germany 2014

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Marcel Ritter

Vice president legal | Telefónica Germany

Marcel Ritter - Germany 2025

General counsel | Telefónica Germany

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Marcel Ritter - Germany 2017

General counsel | Telefónica Germany

Telefónica Germany accounts for roughly one-third of the mobile telephone service market in Germany since its acquisition of the E-Plus Group in 2014, making it one of the major players...

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Marcel Ritter’s role at Telefónica Germany, a telecoms company with over 25 million customers, has been marked by several significant challenges over the past few years which at the same time were highlights from a legal point of view. Among them has been the merger with and integration of HanseNet Telekommunikation with preceding outsourcing and restructuring measures, including the respective works council negotiations and redundancy programmes, as well as the merger of the three legal departments of O2, Telefónica Deutschland and Hansenet. In 2012 the company successfully completed its IPO, the largest at the Frankfurt stock exchange since 2007, amounting to €1.45bn. But challenges never cease to arise in Marcel Ritter’s role and he currently is providing legal advice on the ongoing takeover of competitor E-plus.

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