Dr. Klaus Cannivé – GC Powerlist
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Germany 2023

Food, beverages and tobacco

Dr. Klaus Cannivé

Group general counsel - senior vice president legal and audit | HARIBO Holding


Germany 2023


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Dr. Klaus Cannivé

Group general counsel - senior vice president legal and audit | HARIBO Holding

Team size: Nine

What are the most significant cases or transactions that your legal team has recently been involved in?

Since HARIBO has had a focus on internal growth during the last few years, the current biggest project of the HARIBO Group is the set-up of our first production facility in our number one growth market, the US. The project is a game-changer for the entire HARIBO Group and has been one my key priorities as general counsel. We structured the project from a legal and commercial perspective and successfully negotiated the contracts of the project with our partners in a cross-functional team.

How do you feel the pandemic has changed the world of work for in-house counsel and the function of the general counsel?

The pandemic was a clear booster for the digitalisation of legal departments. Remote, hybrid and paperless work became the “new normal”. Where video-conference calls were previously rather unusual, it is now the daily practice. Traditional audio conference calls with dial in numbers disappeared. The core function of the general counsel remains the same: Before, during and after the pandemic the function of the general counsel is to provide business and strategic advice and risk management from a legal perspective (which is obviously more than the application of the law). However, in the “new normal” management skills like the right setting of the priorities, lean and effective management, and leadership based on trust appear to become even more important.

How much influence do you, as a general counsel, have on the diversity and inclusions policies of your organisation?

The influence on diversity and inclusion is two-fold: First, we can “lead by example” by setting up and leading a diverse and inclusive legal and compliance organisation. This applies both to decisions in the hiring process, and to the day-to-day leadership. Leadership and communication must be respectful, non-discriminatory, and supportive. Second, we, as general counsel, may contribute to a more diverse and inclusive organisation by preparing and improving guidelines and initiatives for the global organisation. We at HARIBO work closely with the global HR team and other senior management functions to support and achieve value-based leadership.

Dr. Klaus Cannivé - Germany 2025

Group general counsel - senior vice president legal and audit | HARIBO Holding

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Dr. Klaus Cannivé

Group general counsel - senior vice president legal and audit

HARIBO Holding

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