Dr. Svenja Lemke – GC Powerlist
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Germany 2023

Industrials and real estate

Dr. Svenja Lemke

Head of legal | TK Elevator


Germany 2023


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Dr. Svenja Lemke

Head of legal | TK Elevator

Team size : 58 worldwide

What are the most significant cases and transactions that your legal team has recently been involved in?

Our legal team was significantly involved in the spin-off of the elevator division from the Thyssenkrupp group. Initially, an IPO was prepared, but in the end, it came down to a sale. This was an exciting process, especially from a legal point of view, and our lawyers provided significant support worldwide. Especially the so-called carve-out issues affected all areas of law. Under new ownership, we are now supporting the strategic repositioning of TK Elevator with lean governance and efficient HR-structures, the global market access with a new brand, the private equity driven cash management, the execution of our M&A strategy, to only name some. TK Elevator is developing new products and is acquiring new business. We continuously advise on M&A, trademark, patent, and IT matters. Corporate law and contractual issues are now also more important in an independent group. The constant change of our company due to the new ownership remains the biggest challenge – of course besides all the other pressing issues of the time such as wars, inflation, supply shortages, lack of raw materials among others.

How do you feel the pandemic has changed the world of work for in-house counsel and the function of the general counsel?

In our company there is the possibility to work remotely, and colleagues make use of this. The work and the team spirit do not suffer as a result. Interestingly, since the carve-out and the sale of the elevator division as well as the start of independence fell exactly into the pandemic and we as legal advisors were very closely involved. There were clear project structures and goals. We have proven that we are fully capable during remote work and work well and efficiently together. Overall we have become more flexible and adapt even more closely to developments and the needs of the company. The fact that we don’t see each other every day, but that our legal team members and clients are based in different locations around the world, has intensified our personal contact, especially through video calls. “Service is the heart of our business” – this important principle not only applies to the way TK Elevator acts towards its external clients but is also our principle in legal advice. We see ourselves as trusted advisors and supporters of the entire TK Elevator Group, its business and operating units in all matters. As the pandemic affected the whole world and everyone locally had to deal with similar issues, it bonded us and as a result, we are even more embedded in the global organisation. As general counsel, I lead both face-to-face and remotely. Leadership these days is more about trusting employees and giving them freedom. This encourages their creativity and makes them take responsibility for their actions.

How much influence do you, as a general counsel, have on the diversity and inclusion policies of your organisation?

I love working in an international environment in a global company. I am constantly learning, also through the experiences of others. I also like that our legal team is very diverse, figuratively speaking, I lead a “50:50 joint venture” that is made up of women and men in equal proportion and includes 14 different nationalities. There are always stimulating discussions and perspectives that enrich my everyday work. Since I can put together my own team, I have a great influence on diversity and inclusion in our company. Everyone can contribute to this in their daily work. As a functional manager, I can actively contribute – especially in such an international environment.

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