General counsel, chief compliance officer, senior legal director, legal, compliance and governance | HSE
Guenther Sailer
General counsel, chief compliance officer, senior legal director, legal, compliance and governance | HSE
Team size: Eight
What are the most significant cases or transactions that your legal team has recently been involved in?
More recently, we have been active in digitalisation and new business models, M&A transactions, improving our legal operations, mastering changes triggered by the pandemic as well as new laws, and staffing the team.
How do you feel the pandemic has changed the world of work for in-house counsel and the function of the general counsel?
The pandemic has somehow changed how I lead my team, but in a very positive way, as different and additional leadership skills are now required. Besides that, a crisis management strategy, on permanent basis, was required. Daily work was not affected by the pandemic, international projects and transactions have been positively affected through higher efficiency using VCs and less travel. Projects where you need creative processes, interaction between in-house departments or which have not been that present or pressing have been more challenging as before the pandemic, including getting sufficient attention and extra mile.
How much influence do you, as a general counsel, have on the diversity and inclusions policies of your organisation?
This topic is extremely important to us, but in good hands of my ESG and HR colleagues, I am more in a support role here.
General counsel and chief compliance officer | HSE
General counsel and executive vice president of legal and compliance | HSE24
Standing for Home Shopping Europe, HSE24 is a teleshopping broadcaster currently offering a 24-hour programme on three channels. Guenther Sailer serves as its general counsel and executive vice president legal...