Group general counsel | KfW
Dr. Karsten Hardraht
Group general counsel | KfW
Team size: 110 (KfW), 140 (Group)
How do you approach managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crises, and how does your legal strategy align with the broader business strategy to ensure the organisation’s resilience?
KfW’s legal department has always pursued an integrated approach, maintaining close alignment with both the management board and the business and strategy units. This is achieved through strong interconnection, frequent updates, and structured feedback. The Group General Counsel reports directly to the CEO, while the Heads of Legal of KfW’s affiliates are members of a group legal board, chaired by the Group General Counsel. This structure enhances the department’s ability to respond effectively in times of crisis, further strengthened by an agile mindset that ensures adaptability.
What are the main cases or transactions that you have been involved in recently?
KfW’s legal department advises on an annual lending business of EUR 80–90 billion, as well as a corresponding volume of bonds issued on the global capital markets, including token-based bonds. Additionally, it provides legal counsel on M&A transactions carried out by KfW on behalf of the Federal Republic of Germany, such as the acquisition of a 24.95% stake in TransnetBW.
How have you integrated technology into your legal processes, and what impact has this had on efficiency and compliance?
KfW’s legal department has a dedicated Legal Operations Team, led by a MINT-qualified team head and comprising IT and controlling specialists. The team has consistently invested in digital solutions, including a document management system, external legal counsel management, know-how management, a contract builder, and a litigation database. Recently, it has been developing a prototype solution for assessing legal opinions using a large language model (genAI). These advancements have significantly enhanced efficiency and will continue to do so, particularly with the integration of genAI into the upskilling programme for KfW’s in-house lawyers.
Group general counsel | KfW