Deutsche Börse – GC Powerlist
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Germany Teams 2018


Deutsche Börse

| Deutsche Börse


Germany Teams 2018

Recommended Team

Deutsche Börse


Well-known throughout German legal circles for its excellent in-house capability which is able to deal with the lion’s share of legal challenges without recourse to external assistance, Deutsche Börse’s legal team is clearly a top in-house performer. Dr Michael Josef Lappe took on the general counsel role for Deutsche Börse in February 2018, leveraging his significant experience in complex M&A deals and corporate legal work. Its one of the most important cogs in the German financial system – and one that counts the Frankfurt Stock Exchange as one of its subsidiaries – the high level of scrutiny Deutsche Börse is subject to means the legal team’s contribution is particularly important and noteworthy.

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Dr. Ivo Frohmüller

Senior associate vice president, principal legal counsel at Group Corporate and Commercial Legal

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