Alexios Andriopoulos – GC Powerlist
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Greece and Cyprus 2023

Information technology

Alexios Andriopoulos

General counsel | SoftOne Technologies


Greece and Cyprus 2023

Recommended Individual

Alexios Andriopoulos

General counsel | SoftOne Technologies

Could you share an example of a time when you came up with an innovation that improved how your legal team works and did not come at a large expense? 

SoftOne Technologies develops ERP systems and offers cloud-based business solutions for businesses. Given this, using the company’s expertise and at no cost for Softone, we are currently developing an ERP system through which contract drafting, review and negotiation will be assigned to the legal department.  

This system will establish one channel of communication for contract assignment, demonstrating the relevant workload; it will guarantee that all contracts assigned to the legal department have already been approved by the management and the finance department; and it will require the assignor to mark the urgency of each request, to enable the legal department to prioritise accordingly.  


What are the most significant cases or transactions that your legal team has recently been involved in? 

Over the past few months, our legal team, with the assistance of external advisors, has successfully completed three acquisitions in Greece and abroad, aiming not only to increase the company’s market share as a cloud-based business solution provider but also to engage in different types of activities, such as the ESG sector.  

Our legal team is also currently handling an extensive restructuring of the group, as through a merger, the mother company, SoftOne Technologies, recently acquired one of its subsidiaries. The same process will take place for another subsidiary by the end of 2023. 


How important is choosing to work with external lawyers who align with your company’s values? Are you likely to reconsider what firms you work with based on this? 

The framework of principles adopted by a company should be embraced and applied not only by the company executives and personnel but also by the external partners or lawyers working for the company.  

In this case, the company guarantees the provision of a higher quality product or service and becomes eligible to new customers. Therefore, the policy of selecting external firms shall, on the one hand, ensure that such firms fully align with the company’s values and, on the other hand, provide for the appropriate replacement mechanisms if the company’s values are not being respected, which places the unified corporate culture at stake. 

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Alexios Andriopoulos

General counsel

SoftOne Technologies

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Alexios Andriopoulos

General counsel

SoftOne Technologies

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