Systems Sunlight – GC Powerlist
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Greece and Cyprus Teams 2019

Systems Sunlight

| Systems Sunlight


Greece and Cyprus Teams 2019

Recommended Team

Systems Sunlight


Tania Chadouli leads the compact but highly capable in-house legal function of advanced battery and energy storage technology company Systems Sunlight, a company at the forefront of a complex and advanced sector which has wide-ranging real-world implications. The team, through its well-developed internal structure and expert leadership from head of legal and compliance Chadouli, gets the most out of its four individuals. ‘Sunlight is proud to possess a flexible and highly skilled legal team with a wide range of capacities’, Chadouli says. ‘The smart use of resources and dedicated on the job and full time support has been the key to the success of navigating between daily workload and handling major projects, while creating innovative ways to facilitate the daily operations of the company and add to the success of the company as a whole’. This is just as well, as the team has been forced to deal with a number of ‘significant challenges’ in previous years. Chadouli mentions the most pertinent of these to be ‘as an issuance of a listed corporate bond together with the listing of Sunlight on the Athens Stock Exchange, the merger of a subsidiary, followed by the spin-off of a business sector and the establishment of two subsidiaries abroad. In addition, the innovative spirit of the legal team led to the creation of an online portal for contract approval, while at the same time, we cultivated a compliance culture within the company, providing training, new processes and full time support to the business operations’. Other adverse circumstances highlight how unpredictable the challenges faced by an in-house counsel can be: ‘In addition
to the above, a fire incident that occurred in the company’s production plant located in Northern Greece on the
1 May 2018 provided new challenges to our daily life. The legal team faced additional significant challenges over 2018 where it worked on managing the reoperation of the production plant of Sunlight through negotiations for the reconstruction process while it played a lead role in the insurance indemnification process which ended up to the vast amount of €66m for the material and consequential damages incurred due to the fire’. Chadouli is also keen to stress the effect the team has had on the overall culture within the company. ‘We have the ongoing responsibility, to ourselves, to our company, and to our business partners, to behave in a responsible and ethical manner, respecting the needs of individuals, society, and the environment’, she says, adding ‘we contribute to that through constant training and through the creation of a culture of compliance’.

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