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Greece and Cyprus Teams 2019

Terna Energy

| Terna Energy


Greece and Cyprus Teams 2019


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Terna Energy


The Terna Energy legal team consists of four lawyers, the most senior of whom is Dimitra Hatziarseniou who heads the legal department. In chronological order of joining the group, the other members of the team are Anastasia Basina, Vasiliki Strantzia and Sophia Garavela, and the team is also supported by highly efficient paralegal assistant Sophia Tsikli. Allocation of the roles among the members of the team depends on experience and expertise but also on priorities set by senior management and Hatziarseniou who acts as general counsel. Generally cases or transactions are allocated to team members on an ad hoc basis, in addition to the standard assignment to Strantzia of PPP projects in Greece and to Garavela the legal monitoring of operations in the US. Cases and or transactions may be also assigned to external law firms or lawyers or may be handled in collaboration with them. As Terna Energy is part of the Gek Terna Group, the legal team also supports other companies of the Group, especially those active in the real estate sector. The Terna Energy legal team has been operating in this fashion during the past two years and this structure has been proven extremely effective, as major transactions were handled successfully with internal resources only. Among others these included: the assignment of two major waste management PPP projects in Greece (including financing); the issuing of a bond loan listed in the Athens Stock Exchange amounting to €60m; financing of three clusters of projects of more than 150 MW in Greece; the development of two wind farms of 285 megawatt capacity in the US, including EPC agreements, WTG supply agreements, land lease agreements, interconnection agreements and all other ancillary agreements; and the development and sale of real estate assets of more than €40m net worth.

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