Alain Mac Farland Tirado – GC Powerlist
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Green Mexico 2024

Materials and mining

Alain Mac Farland Tirado

Legal and compliance director (general counsel, secretary of the board and compliance officer) | Holcim México Operaciones


Green Mexico 2024

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Alain Mac Farland Tirado

Legal and compliance director (general counsel, secretary of the board and compliance officer) | Holcim México Operaciones

What measures has your company taken to embed sustainability practices into its core business operations, and how does the role of the general counsel contribute to driving and ensuring sustainable practices within the company? 

We are the only company within the cement industry with a clear and conscious roadmap to reduce CO2 emissions based on scientific data that demonstrate the feasibility of our actions in this matter. Holcim is investing heavily in developing more eco-friendly products and is a pioneer in launching green products that meet high sustainability standards, reducing CO2 emissions and water use. We also operate a company aiming to process waste and use it as an alternative fuel. Our legal department is firmly supportive of these endeavours, ensuring they adhere to all regulations, and promoting a greater ‘paperless’ culture across all our operations. 

Alain Mac Farland Tirado - Mexico 2023

Legal and compliance director (general counsel, secretary of the board and compliance officer) | Holcim México Operaciones

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Alain Mac Farland Tirado

Legal and compliance director (general counsel, secretary of the board and compliance officer)

Holcim México Operaciones

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