Marie-Pierre Grenier – GC Powerlist
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Green Southeast Asia 2023

Information technology

Marie-Pierre Grenier

Head of ethics and compliance, MOAI (Asia Pacific) | Ericsson


Green Southeast Asia 2023

Recommended Individual

Marie-Pierre Grenier

Head of ethics and compliance, MOAI (Asia Pacific) | Ericsson

Can you talk about you or your company’s efforts relating to renewability, sustainability or other environmentally- friendly activities?

As an ethics and compliance professional, I am mostly focused on ensuring that organisations act ethically and in a manner that positively impacts the communities they work in. My role also involves working with a wide range of subject matter experts, including sustainability and human rights professionals, to ensure my organisation has a coherent, global approach to sustainability and governance risks, and to ensure appropriate mitigation of risks we encounter in our routine operations. I take pride in ensuring that my organisation builds a rigorous risk management approach across its operations.

Why are sustainability officers well-placed to drive change in the business world?

Sustainability can’t be achieved without an appropriate policy framework, which is usually the remit of national governments. Businesses, however, are out in the world every day, working on transformational and often critical projects, for instance in the fields of infrastructure, technology, telecommunications and innovation. Sustainability and governance officers are crucial in ensuring that amidst complexities and business and financial pressures, business organisations maintain the right sustainability and ethical compass. Sustainability officers are also key when there is a need to speak up, for instance when organisations deviate from sustainable principles, and to ensure organisations re-engage on a sustainable path which can deliver a positive impact.

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