Vincent Leung – GC Powerlist
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Hong Kong 2024

Hotels, restaurants and leisure

Vincent Leung

Group general counsel and company secretary | Melco International Development Limited


Hong Kong 2024

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Vincent Leung

Group general counsel and company secretary | Melco International Development Limited


Melco is a dynamic company that continues to explore new opportunities, and the previous years have been a transformational phase for the Group. I have been working closely with the Group’s Chairman, CEO, and senior management on all aspects of the Group’s transformation and development, including (without limitation) the assumption of majority control in Melco Resorts and Entertainment (currently our major subsidiary listed on Nasdaq) through a series of transactions with Crown Resorts; the successful tender of a 30-year gaming concession in Cyprus, expanding the Group’s geographical footprint from Asia to Europe; the recently announced collaboration with a local partner and the development of City of Dreams Sri Lanka in Colombo (details confidential); and numerous corporate reorganisations involving business disposals and privatisations to refine the Group structure. To manage the legal aspects of all these important initiatives, it is critical to ensure that business acumen is applied when legal work is executed and to constantly seek “outside of the box” solutions – focusing on what the deal is, rather than just on what the document says. This approach, while seemingly simple, is key to ensuring that legal advice is always aligned with business strategy.

The past few years have certainly not been short of instability or crisis situations, including Covid-19, and likely even more so in the hospitality sector. A crisis typically goes hand in hand with untested issues for which there is no readily available market reference. While the legal department is often the first port of call in many cases, expert ideas from different functions within an organisation are invariably critical for resolving the issues that arise. The legal team can play a pivotal role in facilitating the constructive exchange of views to devise the most optimal overall solutions. In addition, considering the uncertainties that may arise during instability or crisis situations, my team and I always encourage colleagues to stay one step (or a few steps) ahead and prepare for multiple possible outcomes.

The operating environment of the hospitality and entertainment industry is fast and ever-changing, and this is further complicated by the fact that gaming is a regulated business and our Group has a multi-market listing status. Only through seamless coordination and teamwork across the organisation, and by adopting a ‘one-step-ahead’ attitude, can we maintain resilience to all uncertainties and even turn crises into opportunities. This approach aligns with the ‘Above and Beyond’ overall sustainability strategy of the Melco Group – which drives us to be an adaptable and forward-thinking business.

Like other major corporations, sustainability is a core value of our Group’s business. I am fortunate that our management truly embraces the importance of sustainability as an issue. It is part of our Group’s DNA rather than just a ‘box-ticking’ exercise. As the Group General Counsel, I have been keeping senior management apprised of the latest trends in the relevant reporting and compliance requirements across jurisdictions where we operate, coordinating our global sustainability compliance programme, and arranging necessary training for teams so that we are always ready to go ‘Above and Beyond.’

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