Legal director of business and capital markets | Bankinter S.A.
Antonio Murillo Gayo
Legal director of business and capital markets | Bankinter S.A.
Legal director | Bankinter
With significant experience of senior positions in major public companies, Antonio Murillo Gayo is a leading regulatory expert and a respected voice in his industry. He started his in-house career as legal adviser and deputy general counsel for the Madrid Stock Exchange 16 years ago. He has served as deputy legal counsel at Vallehermoso (currently Sacyr-Vallehermoso) and as head of legal at Metrovacesa. Murillo Gayo has been at the helm of the business and corporate area of Bankinter, an IBEX 35 listed company, since 2010, currently leading a team of eight. Owing to his long list of experiences, Murillo Gayo has a track record of successfully handled cases without post-litigation. Recently, he played an integral role in the acquisition of the Portuguese branch of Barclays and he has been actively involved in all the strategic changes of Bankinter during the last five years.