Legal projects director | Abertis Infraestructuras
Daniel Ventín Morales
Legal projects director | Abertis Infraestructuras
Chief legal officer | Abertis Infraestructuras
Daniel Ventín Morales has actively participated in most of Abertis Infraestructuras’ large scale deals since joining in 2005. Since then, Abertis has transformed itself from a Spain-based toll-road concessionaire to the world leader in toll-road management. Ventín has actively participated in more than a hundred M&A deals in airports, car parks and telecom infrastructure, including acquisitions and disposals.
Together with the general counsel, Marta Casas, he has been central to forming a team that is reputed for being capable not only of giving solid legal advice but of helping the teams to assess and take business risks; ‘a team that has the ability to negotiate, to take decisions and to manage projects and whose role in Abertis goes well beyond managing external legal advisers’ adds Ventín. He has been key in the push to transform the team from a more traditional legal department with international focus, to a team with the recognised ability to lead legal projects all over the world, giving commercial advice and becoming an essential part of the strategic decision-making part of Abertis. ‘I am proud of having had a leading role in a team that has been a key element of the successful growth story of Abertis’ he explains. During his tenure he has been a member of more than ten boards of directors of Abertis’s subsidiaries in the toll-road and airport sectors, including the TBI, the UK holding company of Abertis’s former airport division and Metropistas, the concessionaire of the main toll-roads in Puerto Rico, where Abertis partners with Goldman Sachs infrastructure partners.