Nuno Moraes Bastos – GC Powerlist
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Iberia 2018


Nuno Moraes Bastos

Chief legal and compliance officer | Banco Santander Consumer Portugal


Iberia 2018

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Nuno Moraes Bastos

Chief legal and compliance officer | Banco Santander Consumer Portugal


Banco Santander’s Nuno Moraes Bastos is an exceptional lawyer, highly valued by colleagues for his technical skills and leadership capabilities. Described by peers as a ‘trend setter’ and praised by nominators for his ‘strategic and forward-looking view on regulatory affairs’, Bastos possesses an excellent business acumen that he is capable of bringing to the table.

Apart from his role as chief legal and compliance officer at Banco Santander Consumer Portugal which he has held since October 2017, Bastos serves as a president of the legal section of Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa (a prestigious, 140 year old academic society), where he hosts all industry leaders on a regular basis to discuss technical compliance and discuss regulatory change. He is also chairman and founding member of Observatório Português de Compliance e Regulatório – a leading and independent think tank on compliance and regulatory matters.

Bastos formerly spent over six years as a general counsel and chief compliance officer at Zurich Insurance, where he was responsible for legal, regulatory, compliance and governance matters concerning the company’s legal entities in Portugal. His previous career also features positions at Banco Invest, Simmons & Simmons Rebelo de Sousa, Banif Banco de Investimento and Coelho Ribeiro e Associados.



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