Ramón Varela Aldazábal – GC Powerlist
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Iberia 2018

Industrials and real estate

Ramón Varela Aldazábal

Head of legal | Sener Grupo de Ingeniería


Iberia 2018


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Ramón Varela Aldazábal

Head of legal | Sener Grupo de Ingeniería


Ramón Varela Aldazabal was first hired by engineering and technology group SENER Grupo de Ingeniería in 2005. The group accomplishes specific activities related to engineering and construction, with industrial holdings in companies working in areas of energy, environment and aeronautics.

He was hired to fill a gap in the company’s legal department, with a main focus in the international field, and brought his previous extensive experience accumulated from his time gained at a law firm and a multinational corporation in the US. Four years later in 2009, he was selected as head of legal of the company, the role he still occupies today. SENER’s legal function was structured to be organised around the main areas of activities required by the company, and it is here where Varela has been responsible for streamlining the activities of the legal department in order to match the specific requirements of each of the activities of the company.

‘As a result, there is a common field of activity shared by both the internal client and the legal members involved, which creates synergies that are the proof of the evident success’ he says.



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Ramón Varela Aldazábal

Head of legal

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