Santiago Martínez Garrido – GC Powerlist
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Iberia 2018

Energy and utilities

Santiago Martínez Garrido

Director of legal services | Iberdrola


Iberia 2018

Recommended Individual

Santiago Martínez Garrido

Director of legal services | Iberdrola


Based in Bilbao, multinational electric utility Iberdrola earns over €30bn in annual revenues and is an international leader committed to low-emission energies. As the company’s director of legal services, Santiago Martínez Garrido occupies a prominent position in the in-house market and is widely recognised as one of Spain’s elite corporate counsel.

Having joined Iberdrola in 2004, he’s played a key role in the group’s transformation over the last 15 years in anticipation of changes in the energy market aimed at tackling the challenges posed by climate change and the need for clean electricity. Another key feature of his tenure is assisting the organisation’s international expansion, particularly in the UK and US markets where Iberdrola has made a number of high profile M&As recently.

Prior to Iberdrola, Martínez held the post of director general at the Bureau of the Ministry of Justice for two years, before which he was director at the Bureau of the Secretary of State of Justice between 2000 and 2002. He graduated in law from the Complutense University of Madrid and also has a business degree from the CEU San Pablo University.





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