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Iberia 2018

Information technology

Tomás López Fernebrand

Senior vice president, general counsel and corporate secretary | Amadeus IT Group


Iberia 2018

Recommended Individual

Tomás López Fernebrand

Senior vice president, general counsel and corporate secretary | Amadeus IT Group


Tomás López Fernebrand’s career at the Spanish travel technology provider Amadeus IT Group dates back to 1988 when he joined the company as senior corporate counsel. Following a subsequent promotion to associate general counsel in 1996, López assisted with the creation of the group’s two major subsidiaries – Amadeus Development (France) and Amadeus Data Processing (Germany), and made a major contribution towards the drafting of the European Code of Conduct for CRS.

After becoming the Amadeus vice president and general counsel in 1999 (he also became secretary in 2000), López was a key participant in two other significant events for the Group, namely its 1999 IPO on the Paris, Frankfurt and Madrid stock exchanges and its 2005 delisting and leveraged buyout. In 2010, López led the Group through the proceedings for a further IPO on the Spanish Stock Exchanges. At the start of 2012, López was promoted to senior vice president, resulting in him taking on additional duties in the management team, and later the same year he assumed responsibility for the Group’s internal audit department.

At present, López also supervises the risk and compliance office at Amadeus in addition to heading the industry affairs unit with worldwide responsibilities for government relations, CSR and sustainability programmes. Outside of his role at Amadeus, López serves as chairman of the Belgian non-profit ETTSA (Technology and Travel Services Association).





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