Grupo Ferrovial – GC Powerlist
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Iberia Teams 2017

Industrials and real estate

Grupo Ferrovial

| Grupo Ferrovial


Iberia Teams 2017

Recommended Team

Grupo Ferrovial


Advising Grupo Ferrovial, a Spanish construction and public works group with a strong international profile, is a legal team led by Ignacio de Felipe Fernández. The team is a key part in the maintenance and growth of the group’s large portfolio of clients and projects worldwide. In the somewhat difficult circumstances of ensuring the company is compliant in the face of an ‘ample diversity’ of regulatory frameworks, as described by a nominator, the team utilises its ‘deep knowledge’ of regulations in each of the different countries it operates in. The team has also received praise for its skill and expertise in tax, alongside its track record of negotiating international projects across Spain, Germany, Austria, France, Italy, UK and the US. 2016/17 was a busy year for Ferrovial’s legal team, as the company was successful in closing a number of landmark projects all over the world. Among many others, these include a multi-faceted upgrade of Denver International Airport’s iconic terminal, privatisation of the Nice and Lyon airports in France, refinancing of the Autopista del Sol in Málaga, and a contract for the construction of two sections of high speed railway line in California, as part of the line between Los Angeles and San Francisco.

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