Grupo Planeta – GC Powerlist
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Iberia Teams 2017

Grupo Planeta

| Grupo Planeta


Iberia Teams 2017

Recommended Team

Grupo Planeta


Supporting the activities of the Barcelona-based media group with operations across Spain, Portugal, France and Latin America, Grupo Planeta’s legal team of nine lawyers has impressed with its professionalism and versatility in dealing with complex legal work. Over the last five years the team has taken a leading role on 25 acquisitions and has been involved in almost every major decision made by the company. The past decade has seen the team involved in some of the most well-known transactions in the European media space, including Grupo Planeta’s acquisition of Editis and the merger between two of Spain’s main television channels Antena 3 and La Sexta. The team has also actively participated in new European regulations to introduce VAT for eBooks to European commission and parliament, commenting on matters that affect the whole industry. On the international stage, Planeta’s legal department has supported the group’s expansion into Latin America by facilitating purchases of new assets in various countries and setting up teams in Brazil, Argentina, Colombia and Mexico. The group’s general counsel Luis Elías, who also heads up its tax, anti-piracy and internal audit departments, boasts over 17 years of legal experience (16 of which have been spent at Grupo Planeta). Elías has personally been praised by nominators for his extensive knowledge of M&A and business legal affairs across Spain, the rest of Europe and Latin America. Maria Ocana, a senior lawyer in the team, has been commended for her contribution to Grupo Planeta’s recent entry to the education business.

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