Cristen Kogl – GC Powerlist
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Illinois 2023

Information technology

Cristen Kogl

Chief legal officer, general counsel and corporate secretary | Zebra Technologies


Illinois 2023

Recommended Individual

Cristen Kogl

Chief legal officer, general counsel and corporate secretary | Zebra Technologies

Team size: 100 global team members  
What has been the number one challenge that has impacted you over the past year? 
One of my priorities is to attract, retain, and cultivate the right talent to represent Zebra and to maintain our culture and integrity. Additionally, building resiliency within the team is essential amid all the transformation we are experiencing in the world today. From evolving business models to employee expectations, the legal department is often at the ‘tip of the spear’ to aptly address new challenges and advise the company on the best way forward.  
Could you share an example of a time when you came up with an innovation that improved how your legal team works and did not come at a large expense?  
Like most legal departments, we have implemented a variety of tools and technologies to increase collaboration and make us more efficient as a team. However, the “innovation” that has made the greatest impact at the lowest cost relates to recognising and developing our people through the creation of individual development plans, or IDPs. Instead of using IDPs to address job performance issues, we proactively leverage this talent planning tool to focus on the areas of professional growth most relevant to each employee, including their unique goals and career aspirations. This approach facilitates greater alignment between employees and managers during development and performance review conversations, and, more importantly, empowers our team members to own their career journeys and pursue opportunities to continuously learn and grow at Zebra.  
What would you say are the unique qualities required to be successful as an in-house lawyer in your industry?  
To be a successful in-house lawyer requires curiosity, grit, and passion. Being curious, asking questions, keeping an open mind, and exploring new possibilities are each essential elements for success as an in-house lawyer. Grit goes beyond gumption; it is a true testament of character, courage, and resolve. Serving as an in-house lawyer presents new difficulties daily, and one must be willing to approach the pressing issues head-on, do what is right even when it is not easy, and move forward with confidence and stamina to do it all over again. Finally, an organisation is nothing without the passion of its people, and a legal leader is no exception – not only a passion for what they do but also a zeal for protecting the company. 

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