Atul Juvle – GC Powerlist
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India 2016

Atul Juvle

General counsel, compliance officer and company secretary for India and South Asia | Schindler India


India 2016

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Atul Juvle

General counsel, compliance officer and company secretary for India and South Asia | Schindler India


Established in 1998, Schindler India is a wholly owned subsidiary of Schindler Holding, the worldwide manufacturer of escalators, elevators and moving walkways. Before joining the company in 2014 as general counsel, compliance officer and company secretary for India and South Asia, Atul Juvle had already amassed almost 30 years of professional experience. Starting as a qualified banker then company secretary, Juvle eventually turned in-house lawyer in 1998. After this date he served at well-known companies such as Tata International, Otis Elevator and HDFC Standard Life. Known as a ‘perfect team-man’, upon joining Schindler India he implemented an automated legal data base, providing role clarity and empowerment to his team of eight. In doing so he has changed the image of the legal department from ‘“no-go” lawyers to solution providers and business lawyers’. Juvle explains the needed approach for overcoming regulatory challenges saying, ‘we do our homework well. We always try to comply with applicable laws 100%. We keep ourselves updated through networking and attending seminars. If in a rare case we fail in compliance, we go up-front and close the issues at the first point and do not wait until it’s discovered by the regulatory authorities’. This proactive approach to his legal work has made his achievements stand out in the legal market.

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