Rajneesh Jaswal – GC Powerlist
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India 2016

Rajneesh Jaswal

General counsel | Michelin India


India 2016


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Rajneesh Jaswal

General counsel | Michelin India


Known for his pragmatism in business and his ability to get things done, Rajneesh Jaswal has worked in-house since leaving his litigation practice in 2004. During successful spells at major international companies such as GE India and MasterCard, Jaswal worked on a number of large transactions. While at GE Jaswal was the principal lawyer working on a $1bn deal, in addition to other large transactions, demonstrating the huge trust that the business placed in his expertise. He initially joined the Asia Pacific business of international tyre manufacturer Michelin in 2013 as a senior legal counsel based in Singapore. After covering the company’s operations in Australia, Indonesia and Thailand for 18 months, where he worked on large divestitures, purchased retail stores and factory expansion projects, Jaswal was then asked to return to the company’s India business and assume the position of general counsel for Michelin India. Based in Gurgaon and leading a team of five, Jaswal is focused on making the legal department more agile, and ‘making sure business happens’. In a short space of time he has led a successful recovery programme for the company, managed the legal work behind the establishment of new product lines and online platforms, established and maintained ethics and compliance programmes in addition to digitising the work flow in the legal department. Jaswal has a wealth of experience in business-to-business and business-to-consumer companies, and has a natural ability to manage and mentor multinational and multicultural legal functions. He currently assists Michelin India’s board of directors, solidifying the legal, ethics and compliance expertise as the global company expands its business in India.

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