Kanishk S – GC Powerlist
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India 2023

Information technology

Kanishk S

Director legal, India and South Asia | Uber


India 2023


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Kanishk S

Director legal, India and South Asia | Uber

Could you share an example of a time when you came up with an innovation that improved how your legal team works and did not come at a large expense?

The use of technology for matter management, especially in small customer cases, has helped us in three main areas. It has helped us save on outside counsel costs; it has enabled us to manage matters more efficiently; and it has allowed us to better assess outside counsel thanks to data aggregation. With many matters handled by the team, it is impossible to effectively manage them without legal technology. Ever since we started using this technology, there has been a much higher level of visibility, leading to better management.

What are the most significant cases and transactions that your legal team has recently been involved in?

Critical high-stakes regulatory litigation before the Hon’ble High Courts of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Delhi, Chandigarh, and Tamil Nadu, as well as the Hon’ble Supreme Court, has provided the company with much-needed regulatory certainty. As the regulations for the technology and transportation sector are evolving rapidly, legal challenges often must be mounted against the knee-jerk reactions of the regulators. Through timely legal interventions leading to interim relief, we have been able to protect the business against regulatory turbulence. Additionally, business expansion through downstream investments has allowed us to increase our footprint and future-proof the business.

If you had to give advice to an aspiring in-house lawyer or general counsel, what would it be and why?

It is critical to understand the business and its needs. Once the business objectives are clear, the legal function must be innovative and find ways to support them. Regulatory litigation, seeking injunctions and interim relief, deal-making, and contracting – everything needs to be aligned with the business objectives. Consequently, building close relations with the business leaders and being a partner in their journey is the path to long-term success.  


Kanishk S - India 2024

Director legal, India and South Asia | Uber

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